Bob Mann Tours 2024 Catalog
Lake George Cruise
Atlantic City Cruise
DR-2 ATLANTIC CITY CRUISE WITH FOOD VOUCHER ❋ Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation ❋ $15 Slot Play at Resorts Casino ❋ $20 Food Credit ❋ Skyline Cruise in Atlantic City Available Sunday-Friday
DR-1 LAKE GEORGE ❋ Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation ❋ Delightful and refreshing cruise on beautiful Lake George ❋ Captain Fabulous Luncheon Buffet ❋ Time at Outlets on Rte 9 Saturday Lunch
$139.00 $149.00
Sunday Brunch
DR-3 BALTIMORE HARBOR LUNCH CRUISE NEW! ❋ Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation ❋ 2 Hour Cruise with Luncheon and Entertainment ❋ Visit the Great Blacks in Wax Museum ❋ Time at Baltimore Inner Harbor $159.00
21 718-628-9030 OR TOLL FREE 1-888-745-9897
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