Autumn Years Winter 2023/24

Paul, still pitching, with his favorite catcher, his son Ethan.

The students use this system to control the robot.

then electronics. He grew up in Yon kers, where his parents Ed and Marcia Teadore still live. Ed, who is 94, worked until he was 90 as a tax accountant. Marcia will turn 90 in February. Their creative young son built his own volt meter and oscilloscope, which still work. He built a radio and used components from Heathkit. “They knew me at Radio Shack,” he smiles. He received a master’s degree from New York University’s Poly technic University and through Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken be came certified in cyber security. His first job out of school was with Prodigy, working on dial-access systems —early modems, called “the network piece.” After Prodigy was sold, he went on to do dial-access systems for three other companies, using his software and

refused, saying, “No, you’re going to come in and cook it.” Soon he and Team 1676 will be cook ing up a new robot based on the 2024 theme of the arts with a game called Crescendo. Jack is trying to promote STEAM—Science, Technology, Engi neering, Arts and Math—as much as he can. The robotics work has taken him places he never would have imagined, such as to the White House, the gover nor’s office and meetings with Rep. Josh Gottheimer and representatives of Sena tors Cory Booker and Robert Menendez. He asked himself in amazement, “How did I get here?” It has been a journey he credits to his students, saying “I learn from them as much as they do from me. It’s part of my development.” a

hardware skills. He formed his one-man JGT Computer Solutions in order to serve small businesses and has done that for approximately 25 years. He smiles: “I have only one person to answer to.” Because his home is his office, he can schedule the many facets of his busy life. He loves to play softball and to cook. His love of cooking started in his mother’s kitchen. In college, he had about two meals in the cafeteria and said “No.” He got a hot plate and a toaster oven; shar ing some cooking duties with a Malay sian suite-mate whose specialty was new creations from leftovers. Jack took an amateur course at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York. He and his wife lived in Fort Lee for a while and went to a restaurant where he asked the chef for the risotto recipe. The chef


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