Autumn Years Winter 2023/24

content s

6 IN MY WORDS “What Is a Man without His Sword?” By Ruth A. Levy, PhD, LMFT 9 COUNTY CALENDAR A selection of activities available in Bergen County and its neighbors 12 HEALTH & WELFARE

22 FINANCIAL PLANNING 22 How to Choose the Right Realtor By E. Scott Miller and Deirdre “DeeDee” Butwin Some guidelines to consider when seeking a reputable realtor, and why it is so important to have one by your side during this significant life transition

24 Everything You Need to Know about Trusts By Timothy M. Duncan, JD, AIF® What exactly is a trust?; here are the basics to help you figure out whether a trust is right for your planning needs

12 Fit for Life Take It Outside! By Roger Anthony

26 Financial Planning Guides Resources for the Road Ahead

As little as stepping out routinely for even a brief walk in the fresh air can provide substantial physical and mental health stimuli; learn more about what the benefits are

Whether you are retired, on the cusp of retiring or considering never retiring, there is still the issue of planning your financial future; these books may help guide you along the way 60 TECHNOLOGY TRENDS 60 Gardening and AI Sprouting New Technologies By Luke Yeagley Learn about a new hydroponic system that incorporates AI and makes growing indoor produce an easy effort, whether you have a green thumb or not How about a few apps designed to help you celebrate the holiday season, from recipes, package tracking, party invitations and even paying celebrities to make personalized video messages for your loved ones 64 BEST BETS 64 How to Stay Safe in a Winter Weather Emergency By Timothy M. Duncan, JD, AIF® Winter weather events can cut heat, power and communication services, putting residents at risk; so it’s important to think ahead and create a response plan to keep you and your family safe 62 What’s Up with Apps By Luke Yeagley

14 Food for Thought Donut Forget Dessert! By Stephanie Sass, MS RD

Some tips to keep in mind when choosing a holiday dessert that is enjoyable but that does not negatively impact one’s health

16 Winter Skin Survival Tips By Kristen Rueb

It is possible to control how you treat your skin during the low humidity and low temperatures of winter; learn how to keep dryness at bay and maintain irritation-free skin

18 Caring for Your Ears in Six Simple Steps By Dr. Ann Marie Olson By implementing these simple steps into your routine, you can make a significant impact on your ear health and overall well-being

20 What You May Not Know about Ankle Sprains By Robin Frank

Once you sprain your ankle, you can be susceptible to future injury; however, the right medical care and good practices after recovery can help prevent another sprain



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