Autumn Years Winter 2023/24


Winter Skin Survival Tips By Kristen Rueb The winter season is quickly approaching—meaning cold, harsh temperatures will be wreaking havoc on delicate, aging skin. Falling humidity levels kick off annual dry skin season—skin tends to have the same moisture level as the environment it is in; therefore, as the weather gets drier, we do too. Dips in temperature can exacerbate the problem further, and mature, sensitive, or acneic skin types are particularly affected by the changing weather. However, with the proper winter skincare routine, you do not have to be stuck inside all day and fear the chill of the season.

routine. Use an SPF of at least 30, and if you are out in the sun for long periods of time, reapply every two hours. • Stay hydrated: It is a simple, but ef fective tip. Drinking enough water helps your skin look dewy and plump and gives you that just-walked-off-the-beach summer glow. • Check your diet : Our skin is often a great indicator of what is going on inside. Monitor what you eat and take notice if your skin flares up or feels extra dry after particular meals or food groups. Always consult a physician be fore changing anything about your diet. It is impossible to control the weath er, but it is possible to control how you treat your skin during low humidity and low temperatures. And, if your skin can not take it anymore, you can always plan a trip to a tropical destination where the humidity is high, and your skin can recuperate— just remember to pack the sunscreen!

Here is how to keep dryness at bay and maintain irritation-free skin, year-round. • Avoid harsh exfoliants : If your skin is drying out during the winter months, take a step back from your harsh chemi cal or physical exfoliants. This does not mean you have to stop using them com pletely—exfoliation is important for cell turnover—but pumping the brakes for a few days while your skin resets could prove useful. And if you are still feel ing dry, opt for a natural cleansing oil instead of your usual face wash, which can often strip the skin of natural oils. • Use a low-molecular-weight hy aluronic acid: A low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid (HA) is recommended for its ability to hold one thousand times its weight in water. HA helps your skin retain moisture and assists in keeping its surface smooth and soft. It even helps calm redness or irritation from particu larly harsh climates. • Layer up: In the winter, it is all about layering—both clothes and sk incare. Start with a serum equipped to handle your toughest skin concerns. For maximum TLC, use a regenerative serum after cleansing. Next up, opt for a cream that is light enough to layer and calming enough to soothe your winter redness. To form a protective seal over the skin

and lock in moisture, apply the cream after the serum. • Apply morning and night: Do not forget to use the serum and cream combo in the morning, after washing your face and before makeup, and in the evening, when your face is clean and ready for bed. • Do not forget your eyes: Our eyes are sensitive to the cold and dry climate of wintertime because the skin around them is particularly thin. Make sure to replenish your delicate eye area with a natural, non-irritating, fast-absorbing eye cream. • Do not forget SPF: Even though it is cold outside, the sun’s rays are still powerful. A physical sun screen, applied in the morning—after your serums and creams—should be part of your daily

Kristen, a stem scientist, is Director of Clinical Research at FACTORFIVE Skincare, which she joined in 2020 as a Cell Culture Scientist, specializing in

creating human stem cell conditioned media. Kristen received her Bachelor’s degree with honors as well as a minor in chemistry and a Master’s degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology from California State University, Chico. She explains: “When I started college as an undergrad, I was really focused on medicine. Human anatomy and physiology have always been fascinating to me so I decided to get my degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology. This exposed me to a wide variety of science classes and research.”


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