Autumn Years Summer 2024

ing village. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the market for copper ore diminished and all the factories were abandoned. Now it is little more than a ghost town with equipment and ore simply abandoned on the side of a road or on loading docks. Our final stop before crossing the border into Georgia was the monastery called Akhtala built in the 10th century. It is famous for its extensive frescos and a tragedy that took place there many years ago. According to legend, a Moslem army invaded the town and the residents fled to the monastery. The walls around the altar were honeycombed with pas sageways where the villagers hid. The

The Armenian Genocide Monument.

est freshwater lakes in the world. On a promontory on a peninsula sits another ancient monastery. Sevanavank Monastery was built in the ninth century and because of its remote location has survived the invasions of barbaric forces. Further along, we reached the Lori Province and were able to visit Haghpat Monastery, which was erected in the 10th century. Getting late

enemy soldiers could not find the residents and were about to leave when a baby cried. Not able to find the entrance, the enemy fired a cannon into the back, at the face of the Holy Mother. The concussion killed most hiding there. Today a large hole can still be seen be hind the altar.

When we drove back to Yerevan in the early evening, we decided to visit the Memorials to the Armenian Holocaust. A large park filled with trees donated from around the world surround a large twelve-sided structure that holds an eter nal flame and next to it a spire reaches high over the park. The following day, we elected to drive over the Lesser Caucasus Mountains to the city of Tbilisi in Georgia. It took us nine hours to get there. Although the drive was tiring, we had several fascinat ing stops along the way and saw some majestic scenery. Surrounded by high mountains, the area called Dilijan is also called the Little Switzerland. Here shear rock walls covered in pines and other trees protect the narrow valley. A tunnel some 2.8 kilometers long bores through the mountainside. Farther along we reached Lake Sevan, which is one of larg Noravank. The steps leading up to the church have been recently closed because of injuries sustained while climbing up the staircase.

in the afternoon, we decided to stop at a well

known restaurant fa mous for its pork dishes. Their pigs roam freely in the nearby forest eating fresh greenery, mushrooms and roots. Therefore, their flesh has a distinctive flavor and the restaurant is known throughout Armenia for its flavorful food and large portions. They do not exaggerate as the cuisine was fantastic. The drink is made from fresh apricots soaking in mineral water. The cof fee, of course, is Arme nian style. Do not stir! Our drive took us to the town of Alaverdi, once a prosperous min

The damaged fresco in the Akhtala Monastery.

Akhtala Monastery famous for those killed who were hiding in hidden pas sages when a cannon was fired into the painting of the Holy Mother.


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