Autumn Years Summer 2023
The Resolvert Nagel House.
Nagel-Auryansen Cemetery.
The cemetery contains an estimated 108 graves, but only 86 tombstones remain. Buried here are five Revolution ary War veterans. Members of the Au ryansen (Adriansen), Kearney, Ferdon, Jordon, Demarest, Parsells, DeClark, Haring, Cole, Powles and Vervalen families were laid to rest here. Tradition states that slaves were buried here as well. The last burial took place in 2007. THE REVOLUTION Few towns in today’s Bergen County re tain as much historic fabric as Closter, and few areas suffered as much during the American Revolution. Noted Revo lutionary War historian and author Todd Braisted stated, “The area known as Closter proved to be one of the most dangerous places in Bergen County dur ing the Revolution.” And if the enemy came there “with three of the most ef fective militia captains . . . they could expect a fight,” Braisted said. Those on the British side hated Closter, and their opinion was that it was “infested” as a “settlement abounding with many vio lent rebels.” Today, we would say Closter was a Patriot stronghold.
A strategic location for its Hudson River accesses, Closter was repeatedly raided. And those raids were guided, and perpetrated, mostly by former county residents known as Loyalists, who joined with the British. The first raid was in April 1777, when about 50 Royal Bergen Volunteers attacked homes and farms. They took three people captive and car ried away seven wagon loads of stolen items. Some protection was offered in 1778, when 50 Continental (American Army) light horsemen were stationed at Closter for a time. In March 1779, a raid by 30 Loyalists bent on stealing horses and property was repulsed by 9 mem bers of the Patriot militia. The stolen items were left behind, one Loyalist was killed and two others were wounded. On May 9, 1779, about 100 battle hardened Loyalist troops arrived by boat at Upper Closter Landing (in northern Alpine) and came down Closter Dock Road, where they violently attacked peo ple and property. During the raid, the nearly 90-year-old Dowe Tallman was bayoneted while defending his property. He died two days later and is buried at
sturdy Jersey Dutch stone houses were built. Today, Closter has more of these iconic stone houses than any other town in Bergen County. One of these houses, the Resolvert Nagel house (119 Hickory Lane), is the oldest continuously used farmhouse in New Jersey. Today, the property is home to Metropolitan Farm, and owner Frank Vastano (who lives in the farmhouse) noted, “I wish I could hear these walls talk. What stories could be told from the last 313 years.” Death, as a part of life, caused a cem etery to be created before 1721. Today known as the Nagel-Auryansen Cem etery (42-50 Susan Drive), it is the final resting place of early Closter settlers. When brothers Barent and Resolvert Nagel divided their mutually purchased property in 1748, the dividing line went through the nearly one-acre cemetery. Initialed stones within the cemetery (“BN” and “RN”) still mark the division line. By marriage and by purchase, the property surrounding and including the cemetery became owned by the Auryan sen (Adriansen) family.
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