Andrew Lane Co. 2021-2022 Wholesale Church Supplies

Incense and Charcoal

Trinity Incense T11 Floral Blend Slow burning granular resin blended with fl oral oils. T12 Forest Blend Slow burning granular resin blended with forest oils. T13 Powder Blend Smooth burning blend of powder resins. T14 Somalian Frankincense A small grain imported frankincense. T15 Ethiopian Myrrh Imported pure myrrh gum.

$34 $33 $29 $36 $34

Monastery Incense 12oz cans $44.95 each Floral Fragrances

Aromatic Gums 857 Byzantine Blend 858 Jerusalem 859 Sweet Myrrh 866 Pure Frankincense Special Blends 863 Archangel Michael 864 Nazareth 865 Queen of Heaven

852 Lily of the Valley 853 Russian Gardenia Rose Fragrances 860 Damascus Rose 861 Myrrh Rose 862 Rose Geranium Aromatic Woods 855 Cedars of Lebanon

Adoration Brand Incense

KA1 Roma Rich sent of spices and rare essences. KA2 Vita Mundi Light, spicy scents predominate.

$37.50 $30.50 $26.95 $30.50 $24.50 $26.95 $26.95 $24.50

KA3 Holy Night Subtle blend of aromas combined with natural frankincense KA4 Monastery A red incense with a rose scent. KA5 Russian Lump Large lump of natural frankincense. KA6 Jerusalem An aroma of traditional gum resins. KA7 Benedictine Frankincense with a touch of cinnamon. KA8 Frankincense & Myrrh Traditional blend of the Magi’s gifts.

Cathedral Brand Incense

91200101 Frankincense 91200201 Jerusalem Incense 91200301 Roman Incense 91203901 Ponti fi cal Blend

$21.65 $23.75 $27.10

$28.15 91203301 Three Kings Cathedral #3 Blend $23.95 91200801 Gloria-Cathedral F8 Blend $35.70

Emkay Brand Incense

1500 Maximus 1502 Emkay Special 1504 Jerusalem 1506 Abbey Brand

$35 $26 $22

An Aroma of the kingship of Christ. A rich blend of our fi nest incense. An aroma of traditions gum resin.

An essence of the spices of the Orient. $30

Gloria Brand Incense P-Blend Full bodied powered resins that produces a soft light sandalwood aroma $31.25 PR3 Natural balsamic granular resins that create fresh undertones of evergreen $37.50 F8 Pea-sized resins for a slow burn and lasting, light rose-lavender aroma $43.75 Charcoal

Will & Baumer

57801 Ponti fi cal $24.95 57804 French Incense $24.95

57704 57701

Self-lite charcoal Swift-Lite charcoal

$25.95/box of 100 $20.95/box of 80 $25.55/box of 100


Three Kings lighting charcoal



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