America's Benefit Specialist May 2023


Recommendations made by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA’s) Bright Futures Project and the HRSA-sponsored Women’s Preventive Services Initiative (WPSI) are not impacted by the court ruling. These three pan els operate under the direct control and supervision of HHS. The court decision does NOT impact mandated preven tive-care benefits such as vaccines, women’s health services (including contraception), and most services provided to chil dren and young adults (e.g., well child exams). These services are recommended by the panels that have HHS oversight, and do not involve volunteer representatives. Absent the courts delaying this ruling (i.e., issuing a stay) the decision takes effect immediately, and allows health insur ers and self-funded employers to amend coverage to require plan cost sharing for certain preventive services, including: • treatment of children’s anxiety

• lung cancer • breast cancer • a drug known as PrEP, used to prevent the transmission of HIV Employers and health insurers will likely refrain from mod ifying coverage in the immediate term, and wait to see how the court case plays out, particularly whether a stay of the decision is issued prior to the deadline of May 29. In addition, the federal government’s appeal, if successful, would render the ruling unenforceable.

Scott Stevens is an employee benefits and consumer-directed healthcare specialist, helping employer organizations of all types reduce their health insurance and related employee benefits costs. His career has included stints as vice president of sales/ marketing for a national insurance company, co-founder and executive vice president of a

• drug use • diabetes

• osteoporosis • colon cancer • skin cancer

TPA and founder of The HSA Toolkit (employer/employee education and sales system). Scott earned a B.S. in marketing/ economics from the State University of New York at Oswego.

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• Nationwide Provide SM supplemental health insurance pays upon diagnosis rather than making employees wait until they’ve been billed for treatment. • MedPair supplemental health insurance helps reduce out-of-pocket expenses by filling in the gaps in employees’ primary health insurance.

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