America's Benefit Specialist June 2023
With MyBlueRxTX, BCBSTX members with employer cover age that includes pharmacy benefits through Prime Thera peutics can: • find available lower-cost drug options • compare drug costs at different pharmacies • manage prescription drug care for their dependents • get reminders when it’s time to refill a prescription • access information about prescription drugs, including medication details, claims history, coverage, clinical review approvals and refills • search for and contact in-network pharmacies “Knowing when to get a drug refill and track medication approvals is key for our health and well-being,” said Jill Firch, divisional senior vice president of pharmacy for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Oklaho ma and Texas. “We know that our members need a simple, handy tool that does all of this.” Members can download MyBlueRxTX from the Apple Store or Google Play. If members already use the BCBSTX mobile app or has a Blue Access for Members account, they can use the same login for MyBlueRxTX. Members can also create a new account using the number on their member ID card. Visit for more information. BAN PARTNERS WITH MEDICAL RISK MANAGERS TO OFFER STOP-LOSS SERVICES Benefit Advisors Network, a network of employee benefit brokers and consulting firms from across the United States and Canada—has created a strategic partnership with Medi cal Risk Managers, a stop-loss underwriting service company. Under the terms of the new partnership, MRM—through a collaboration with Windsor Strategy Partners—will of fer BAN member firms end-of-year reserve studies on all stop-loss cases. BAN members will also receive incurred but not reported (IBNR) financial analysis with unprecedented transparency into the reserve analysis through proprietary software. In addition, members will receive client-specific re ports illustrating estimated claims reserves as well as a com prehensive output package that details the reserve estimate, assumptions, and methodology. This partnership is part of BAN’s Stop-Loss Coalition, a group of carriers tailoring risk-management strategies to support the financial demands of clients’ insurance agencies that brokers serve. For more information, visit www.benefit
journey, from open enrollment to member support and benefits communication. HR leaders at companies of all sizes face the same three issues when it comes to supporting their employees: helping them understand what their benefits are, educating them on how to use those benefits, and supporting them when they need help. With 80% of employees confused by their plans and 50% unaware of their coverage details, the complexity of managing employee benefits programs has become a burden for HR leaders. Nava’s Member Experience offering reduces this workload by providing employees with a cen tralized portal and in-app support that drives their benefits adoption and utilization. “For employees, their benefits are the onramp to their healthcare journey. The launch of Nava’s Member Experience offering is a key step in making it easier for employees to actually use the benefits they already have,” said Brandon Weber, CEO and co-founder of Nava. Built on insights from Nava’s clients, HR community, and Benefits Advisory Board, the Nava Benefits App serves as an interactive benefits wallet and the front door to a member’s benefits usage. With carrier and plan information preload ed into the app, members can access their digital ID cards, links to carrier and provider portals, and coverage details in one place. Most importantly, the Nava Benefits App provides in-app support to the company’s dedicated team of bene fits advocates. Instead of contacting HR with sensitive and urgent questions pertaining to carrier enrollment issues, plan summary explanation, provider search support, medical bill clarification, and claims guidance, they’ll now be able to get direct support from some of the industry’s most experienced benefits experts. The Nava Benefits App is available for free for all Nava clients on both Android and iOS, and will begin rolling out to existing customers soon. BCBS OF TEXAS LAUNCHES MOBILE PHARMACY BENEFIT APP Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas has launched MyBlueRx TX, a mobile pharmacy benefit app that delivers a personal ized pharmacy benefits experience to members through an integrated digital platform. MyBlueRxTX combines the information members need to manage prescription drugs and out-of-pocket costs for themselves and their dependents. This free app puts the pharmacy benefit at members’ fingertips and helps them make informed decisions about their health.
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