America's Benefit Specialist August/September 2023
Meg McComb, Marilyn Stenger and Jim Stenger get ready to set sail on the LPRT cruise.
The second line parade was a great way to kick off the Convention.
Enjoying the kickoff party at Barcadia
Kylie Fields asks a question during a breakout session.
David Chase speaks during a general session.
An impressive group of past presidents. Front row, left to right: Eugene Starks, Dave Fear, Pat Griffey, Beth Ashmore, Dane Rianhard and David Saltzman. Second row: Art Jetter, Bruce Benton and Ryan Thorn. Third row: Rusty Rice, Steve Selinsky, Bob Tretter, Don Goldmann and Tom Harte. Fourth row: Russ Childers and Scott Leavitt.
photos by Keith Muccilli | ABS 33
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