America's Benefit Specialist August/September 2023


“Dave Mordo is one of the most thoughtful and dedicated members of NABIP. He is smart, interesting and detail ori ented—he doesn’t miss a thing. You can learn a lot listening to him, but he is also a great listener himself, and knows that there is always more to learn. I’ve enjoyed getting to know Dave and am honored to call him my friend. He is very de serving of the Gordon Memorial Award. I’m so happy that he received it while I was still the CEO of NABIP.” —Janet Trautwein “David is brilliant, generous, humble, funny, dedicated, determined, warm, welcoming, thoughtful, grace-filled and, most of all, kind. Many people are some of those things, but David is all of them, which makes him extraordinary. He gives everything he has to this industry, the association, and his friends and family every day. My family and I are blessed to know and love Mordo, and I am beyond thrilled to see him recognized as the 2023 Harold R. Gordon Award recipient.” —Jessica Waltman “Dave Mordo stands up for agents, brokers and consul tants, and challenges those who would diminish the import ant work we do for our clients. He is truly the best of us. There is no doubt that he has inspired the current generation of NABIP leaders, and is identifying and motivating the next ones to be ready to take up the mantle of responsibility. He loves our association and our members. Throughout these years, he has become a friend to so many of us, and at the same time, so many of us have become huge fans of his. For me personally, this person is a part of the family I choose, and I love him like a brother.” —David C. Smith

within the industry that have benefited agents and brokers and the consumers they serve. Dave has served as secretary, vice president, president, legislative chair, HUPAC chair, program chair and education chair for his local chapter, Monmouth Ocean. At the state level, he spent many years the state’s legislative chair and helped establish the state’s PAC, as well as the very success ful State of the State annual event. He is a recipient of the NJAHU Board of Directors Award and the state’s highest honor, the Lou Mattei Memorial Award. In all of his endeavors for the association and industry, Dave is known for his pragmatism and diplomacy. He is the voice of reason when debates become contentious, and a friend to everyone in the industry. He leads by example and builds up others so that they may become leaders too. “David Mordo’s commitment to the members of the asso ciation and the clients they represent make him an obvious choice for such a prestigious award. His rarely paralleled expertise, tireless work ethic and exceptional leadership have shaped the industry and left lasting impacts on those around him. Beyond his professional achievements, his giving heart resonates the most. A treasure to all of the NABIP family!” —Ashley Kapostins “David Mordo is a selfless and committed leader. Of my 10 years on the Board, he has been the most engaged and pre pared. He never once sought the Gordon, nor did he ever feel worthy, yet he has always continued to keep raising his hand and serving our members and stakeholders.” —Dane Rianhard

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