Aldine ISD Fall 2023




reminded campuses that they would need to fill out a bus pass and provide it to the driver for transportation from school to home. Enamorado added campuses will take down the student’s name, address, tem porary route number, and the bus stop they want their student to use while they await a permanent assignment. Students who need transportation, and have not formally requested transpor tation, need to get with their campus so a request can be made. “Our goal is to have all new requests re ceived from Aug. 10-Aug. 13 routed with an effective date of Aug. 14, Enamorado preventative measures, collaborating with relevant stakeholders, significant ly reducing crime rates, and fostering safer environments. Holliday said the awards humbled her. “Receiving these awards means a lot to me,” she said. “It demonstrates my ex emplary service as a crime prevention specialist. It indicates my exceptional dedication, expertise, and achievements in preventing crime and ensuring public safety. It also serves as recognition for my ability to exceed expectations, consistently deliver outstanding results, and make a positive difference in the Aldine community.” Aldine ISD Police Chief Paul Cordova said he was proud to have an officer with Holliday’s dedication and skills as a member of his police department. “I am more than pleased that Police Officer Ariel Holliday is the recipient of these prestigious awards,” he said. “Her work in the community speaks volumes about her commitment to keeping our kids safe. Her knowledge and specialty as a crime prevention specialist en hance her ability to protect and engage the community meaningfully.”

Aldine ISD’s Transportation Department spent the summer diligently working to ensure that all routes would be com pleted by the first day of instruction, Thursday, Aug. 10. The department’s goal is to make sure that schools are equipped with the nec essary tools for a successful transporta tion service to and from school. For students who did not request trans portation, the department plans to take them to and from school and home. German Enamorado, executive director of transportation, said that any stu dent at a bus stop would be taken to the campus they attend. Enamorado Aldine ISD Police Officer Ariel Holliday received three awards from the Texas Crime Prevention Association (TCPA). She received the awards at the group’s annual convention in Rockwall. Holliday was honored with the “Above and Beyond” Award, the “Crime Preven tion Specialist” Award, and the “Crime Prevention Specialist” Award (Small Agency category). The “Above and Beyond” Award sig nifies that an individual has exceeded expectations of their role or respon sibilities. The award recognizes an officer’s exceptional effort, dedication, and outstanding achievement in law enforcement. The award acknowledged Holliday’s exceptional commitment to her job, ability to exceed expectations, and willingness to take on additional responsibilities and challenges. The ”Crime Prevention Specialist” Award highlighted Holliday’s expertise and contributions to crime prevention. It recognized her knowledge, skill, and efforts in implementing effective strategies to prevent crime, ensuring the safety and security of individuals and communities. In addition, the award acknowledged Holliday’s commitment to creating awareness, implementing

said. “We hope the passes will give par ents peace of mind knowing students are safely brought to and from school.” In May of 2023, Aldine ISD Trustees approved the purchase of new student ID badges. Students on their respective campuses must visibly wear these new badges. These new ID badges will assist in students being accounted for when they are transported via bus to and from school.

Enamorado added the Transportation Department would split some grade lev els from riding together to minimize the difference in grade levels. This could impact some siblings who ride the bus together, he said. AISD POLICE OFFICER HOLLIDAY EARNS 3 AWARDS FROM TCPA

Holliday has seven years of experience as a police officer and has spent five years with the Aldine ISD Police Depart ment. The Texas Crime Prevention Association (TCPA) is comprised of Law Enforce ment Personnel and Civilians interested in Crime Prevention, Community Safety, Neighborhood Watch, Loss Prevention, and Security or Citizens Police Acade mies. Our organization was founded in 1975 and is a 501(c)3 non-profit orga nization. We provide continuous crime prevention-related training to over 400 members dedicated to making safer environments and communities. Aldine ISD Police Officer Ariel Holliday poses with two of the three awards

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