Akron Life September 2023


When to Act You should access Medicare as soon as you can. Typically, you have to be 65 or older, but people with a disability, end-stage renal dis ease and ALS can often access it before they turn 65, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Often, people don’t enroll in Medicare right away because they still have benefits through their employer or their spouse’s employer, but Core advises you to not wait. “Even if they have employer benefits, it could be beneficial for them to explore other Medicare plan options,” Core says, adding that waiting might make you pressed for time and overwhelm you. “You won’t be able to really make a clear decision when it comes time to enroll. You’ll make a quick decision. So it’s best to start early.” If you plan ahead, you should feel equipped with knowledge before the open enroll ment period Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. If you miss it, there’s a late sign-up period, or Core Insurance can help you get on a temporary short-term medical plan. But if you feel like you don’t have time to sit down and do a bunch of research, you can keep an eye out for Core Insurance kiosks at places like the Center of Hope in Ravenna. Filling out some basic information about yourself can lead to an appointment with a broker from the com pany, which will allow you to get help and guidance quickly. With these kiosks, Core Insurance hopes to meet people where they are, especially in underserved areas, Core says. “They’ll be able to kind of skip the line and not have to go through the process of calling and scheduling,” he says. “We will reach out to them and then give them whatever help they desire.” Overall, he recommends that you consider all of your Medicare options and reach out to a professional if you have any questions or concerns. “Make sure you secure that because it’s your right,” Core says. “You’ve paid into it for working in the United States of America, so that’s something to be proud of.” [ Assistant Editor Alexandra Sobczak is passionate about inclusivity, correct grammar and pop music. ] Comments? Email them to Kelly Petryszyn [kpetryszyn@bakermediagroup.com].


akronlife.com | SEPTEMBER 2023

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