Akron Life October 2022
by Marcus Anderson and photo provided by Stark State College
Check Up Students learn through practice in on-campus clinics.
For some students at Stark State College, a typical day of learning includes going to clin ics on campus and treating real patients. Stark State has a mas sage therapy clinic and a dental hygiene clinic — both of which serve community members. The clinic staff is a combination of students and medical profes sionals who are instructors. “It helps them understand better what they are going to be required to do when they go out into the real world,” says Kelly Reinsel, dean of health and public services. “We’ve set the tone right here with how you talk to your patients, how you address them, how you present yourself.” Reinsel shares a bit about each clinic.
Dental Hygiene Clinic Who Can Go: Anyone over 5 What Is Offered: Under the supervision of licensed dentists, hygienists and assistants, dental students perform affordable preven tive and therapeutic services including dental exams, teeth cleanings, X-rays and fluoride treatments. What It’s Like: Referred to as deep root planing and scaling (clean ing below and above the gum line), these cleanings may be longer and more thorough than you are used to. Every step is checked by a registered dental hygienist or dentist. “We try to instill pro fessionalism in them,” Reinsel says. “They understand they are working with a patient in this capacity as a student who is learning that material.” Since it’s an educational facility, it takes multiple appointments to complete a full cleaning. $6 ages 5-10, $10 ages 11-59, and $8 ages 60 and over, H Building, 330-305-6610, starkstate.edu/dental-hygiene-clinic
Massage Therapy Clinic Who Can Go: Anyone
What Is Offered: Get a 50-minute, low-cost, high-quality massage from a massage therapy student who has been learning how to relieve pain and restore function through massage. The massages go toward the massage hours students need for graduation. What It’s Like: There’s always at least one certified licensed mas sage therapist present, so the experience mimics the professionalism and cultivation of relaxation you are used to. “It’s very calming,” Reinsel says. “There’s soothing music.” $10 ages 65 and over and Stark State staff and students, $20 gen eral public, veterans get one free monthly massage, Health Sciences Building, Suite J110, 330-494-6170, ext. 4725, starkstate.edu/ massage-therapy-clinic Stark State College, 6200 Frank Ave. NW, Canton
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