Akron Life October 2022




Richard W. Burke is a member of Brennan Manna & Diamond and the executive committee. He practices tax, estate and asset protection law, business and corporate law. Burke is recognized as one of the Best Lawyers in America in health care law, litigation – trusts and estates, tax law, and trusts and estates.

John N. Childs is a principal member of Brennan Manna & Diamond’s health care, labor and employment, and litigation departments. His practice is focused in the areas of health care law and labor law. Childs is recognized as one of the Best Lawyers in America in litigation – labor and employment.

David J. Hrina is a member practicing business law and specializing in the fields of intellectual property, business law and environmental law with an engineering background. Hrina is recognized as one of the Best Lawyers in America in closely held companies and family business law, litigation – intellectual property, and trademark law.

Brennan Manna & Diamond 75 East Market Street Akron 330-374-5255 rwburke@bmdllc.com

Brennan Manna & Diamond 75 East Market Street Akron 330-253-1946 jnchilds@bmdllc.com

Brennan Manna & Diamond 75 East Market Street Akron 330-436-8910 djhrina@bmdllc.com




Lee S. Walko is a founding member of Brennan Manna & Diamond, practicing corporate law, real estate law, and mergers and acquisitions law. Walko is also a member of the firm’s executive committee and chair of the BMD Foundation. He is recognized as one of the Best Lawyers in America for corporate law.

Michael A. Steel is of counsel, advising on complex financial matters including bankruptcy, real estate, business transactions, and commercial litigation. He counsels privately held companies on work-out arrangements and negotiations as alternatives to bankruptcy. He is recognized as one the Best Lawyers in America in bankruptcy and creditor

Amanda L. Waesch is vice president of Brennan Manna & Diamond. Her national law practice focuses on health care employment law, corporate law, and health care litigation. Waesch is a member of BMD’s executive committee and is the marketing/business development

chair. She is recognized as one the Best Lawyers in America in health care law.

debtor right/insolvency and reorganization law.

Brennan Manna & Diamond 75 East Market Street Akron 330-253-2748 lswalko@bmdllc.com

Brennan Manna & Diamond 75 East Market Street Akron 330-573-5234 masteel@bmdllc.com

Brennan Manna & Diamond 75 East Market Street Akron 330-253-9185 alwaesch@bmdllc.com


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