Akron Life November 2023
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2#!%&/'&%*33'$/ !"#$%&'()*++ !,(!'&-+*,!#'-. • Encourage your children’s music teachers and principals to participate, either through concert hall performances, in school concerts or the Scholastic Composers Contest. • Volunteer as an usher at concert hall events. • Encourage your children to create their own musical compositions. • Talk to your children about concerts they’ve experienced and encourage them to listen to all types of music. • Save your receipts from Acme Fresh Market and send them to the Children’s Concert Society before the February deadline. The Children’s Concert Society is grateful to Acme for providing 5 percent cash back for nonprofits,
and it depends on grants and donations to support its work.
• Contact business manager Lisa Dannemiller at 330-972-2504 or ccs@uakron.edu with questions, reports of your children’s great experiences or to make a donation.
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