Akron Life March 2022
Although Forward prompts people with the sample questions, she allows the conversation to flow to whatever is most inter esting to the family. Sometimes younger family members ask the questions during the recording sessions instead, which Forward says can allow for more personal ized questions, such as asking about specific family members and life experiences. Whichever method is chosen, the audio album’s eight chapters end up sounding like conversational stories, around 20 to 45 minutes each. They generally reveal par ticipants’ stories in chronological order, from childhood to adult hood to life lessons. “At the end, I take my voice out, so all you’re hearing is them,” Forward says, adding that the fam ily can receive the audio album in whatever digital format they prefer.
Hearing these stories has been eye-opening for Forward, too. “I just thought it was fascinating how they remember so much detail, like what they were doing when JFK was shot,” she says. “They’re well into their 80s and 90s, and they can still remember very specific moments of their life.” No matter the topic, the conversa tions during the recording sessions are often honest and touching. “I’ve sat there and cried with some people just because they’re opening up so much,” Forward says. “It’s an honor to be a part of each recording and be able to provide a memoir.”
GET STARTED Once a family, couple or individ ual decides to create a Posterity Podcasts audio album, Forward sends the participants a list of sample questions to think about before the recording process begins. Questions are typically about childhood memories, meeting a spouse, raising a family, places lived, things they’re proud of and life advice. To create the audio album, Forward travels to the participant so they can talk face-to-face in their homes or another quiet place. She talks with participants for two recording sessions, which are each about two or three hours long. “We get comfortable, and we just have a conversation,” she says.
STORY TIME The options are almost end less when it comes to what to talk about in the audio album. Forward recalls an older couple she spoke to who had some emo tional moments while recording. “He was confessing his love for his wife, and she just started tearing up,” she says. “Then she was talk ing about her grandchildren and how it was such a blessing being a part of their life.” Sometimes older adults look back at historical moments or how society has changed through out their lives. “A lot of people will talk about how technology has evolved … or the different presidents and what was going on during that time,” Forward says. “It almost takes them back to that time.”
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