Akron Life March 2022
ENDODONT ICS David J. Harris, Jr.
James G. Kotapish, Jr. 3075 Smith Road, Suite 201 Akron 330-666-0400 330-666-0130 jkotapish@gmail.com akronendo.com Stephen H. Moore Cuyahoga Falls 330-928-7571 330-928-9921 docmoore99@yahoo.com fallsendo.com Falls Endodontics 939 Portage Trail
Ronald M. Wolf Summit Endodontic Specialists 3611 Darrow Road Stow
William R. Davidson Tomorrow’s Dentistry 9365 Olde Eight Road Northfield
Advanced Care Endodontics 3869 Darrow Road, Suite 209 Stow
330-686-0080 330-686-8622 ses@summit-endo.com summit-endo.com
330-467-6066 330-467-0504 wrdds@aol.com tomorrowsdentistry.com Robert J. Demboski Demboski Family Dental 525 North Cleveland Massillon Road, Suite 105 Akron 330-666-6111 330-666-6161 robertdemboskidds@hotmail.com demboskidentistry.com
330-688-3800 330-688-3100
endodavid@aol.com acendodontics.com A. Christopher Kayafas 3075 Smith Road, Suite 201 Fairlawn 330-666-0400 330-666-0130 twok_endo@frontier.com akronendo.com
GENERAL DENT I STRY G. Michael Appel 540 White Pond Drive, Suite C Akron 330-869-9090
gmadds@aol.com mikeappeldds.com
promotional editorial D E N T I S T P R O F I L E S
Delivering State-of-the-Art Dentistry at an Affordable Price Dr. Angela Marino is passionate about offering a wide range of affordable dental services conveniently under one roof. As a member of the International Academy of Facial Esthetics, she focuses on enhancing the whole face using Botox and dermal fillers to create a more youthful appearance. The team of dentists at Dr. Marino & Associates have served the greater Cleveland and Akron areas for over three decades with quality, value, and convenience. Dr. Marino & Associates has proudly been voted Akron Beacon Journal ’s Best of The Best No.1 dentist five years in a row for offering exceptional service for over 30 years. Visit one of the many locations to see why they can be your one-stop-shop for all your dental needs. Request an appointment online at drmarinoassociates.com, and follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Angela K. Marino, D.D.S. Dr. Marino & Associates
CHARDON OFFICE Center Street Dental 320 Center St,. Suite G2
CLEVELAND HTS OFFICE 5 Severance Cir., Suite 412 Severance Medical Arts Bldg
CUYAHOGA FALLS OFFICE State Valley Dental 63 Graham Road, Suite 3
AKRON OFFICE Marino Dental on Darrow 381 Darrow Road
330-752-1300 drmarinoassociates.com
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