Akron Life February 2023
W hy do we serve? Serving others takes nonprofit to service through a job. The greatest acts of service come from The 330’s first responders and front-line workers. We applaud our brave doctors and nurses, as well as our beloved police, firefighters and EMS crews, who continue to serve bravely. You inspire us. many forms from volunteering at a staff at the Billow Co. reaffirm our commitment to serving you. A call goes out in the middle of the night when a death has occurred, and the staff at Billow Co. will be there on your darkest night. We will help you usher in new dawn by paying tribute to your loved one. We serve because it is our calling. It is a sacred duty. We remain humbly and loyally at your service, just as we have since our company was founded in 1875. When you need us the most, we promise you our very best. The Billow Co. 330-867-4141 billowfuneralhomes. com The pandemic has made the
Stacy Bi l low, Char les Bi l low and Nathanael Bi l low
a k r o n l i f e . c o m | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3
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