Akron Life February 2022
Go Red For Women
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Circle of Red is a society of passionate individuals who are in the fight against heart disease and stroke in women. In communities throughout the United States, Circle of Red members use their influence, generosity and passion to help increase awareness of cardiovascular disease – the leading cause of death in women – and
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to inspire women to take charge of their health.
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health. That is why more women die from heart disease and stroke than any other condi tion – including all forms of cancer combined. Additionally, the work of the American Heart Association is important to me personally because as a woman of color, I am aware that this disease is more prevalent among African Americans who have more of the contribut ing factors and a higher death rate due to cardiovascular issues and stroke. As a mother, sister, daughter and friend of women, I want to make a difference by being a supporter and advocate for the cause. As a Circle of Red member, I stand with other community lead ers here and across the country who personally support the important work of the American Heart Association.”
Theresa Carter President, Synthomer Foundation, 2022 Circle of Red Ambassador “I support Go Red for Women through Circle of Red because the movement focuses on empowering women to take charge of their health by becoming aware of the potential risk and gives women the tools that will enable them to live their healthiest lives. The move ment aids in closing gender gaps in research and STEM, and addresses the inequities in healthcare access and quality of care. Many women, myself included, are juggling their career, family, health and safety, school sched ules, daily chores, and so much more. We give and give – often at the expense of our own
Julie Merklin Sherry Neubert Kyle Passmore Buffy Phillips Scott Read Dr. Rachel-Yvonne Talton Amanda Waesch Lorna Wisham Jody Wolf Pam Wright Laurie Zuckerman THANK YOU TO OUR 2022 GREATER AKRON CANTON CIRCLE OF RED MEMBERS
Susan Flowers Angel Garnett William Ginter Delrica Grubbs Ramona Hood Teresa LeGrair Jeannine Marks Teresa Golden-McClelland
John Chames Dioswal Cook Laura B. Culp Christine Cusimano Robyn Cutler Kitty Dindo Veronica Cook-Euell Barb Faciana Kim Haws Falasco
Virginia C. Addicott Alexandra Albanese Beth Amer Cyndi Annen Elizabeth Bartz Sabrina Bennett Ann Amer Brennan Eileen Burg Theresa Carter
Sandra Reid Mona Sarkar Dr. Robert Schweikert Lorrie Shaffer
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2 | a k r o n l i f e . c o m
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