Akron Life December 2023


12/1-1/6 Centennial Christmas The Summit County Historical Society of Akron, Ohio is turning 100 and celebrating with this look back at holiday memorabilia and decor. Summit County Historical Society of Akron, Ohio, 550 Copley Road, Akron. Wednesday- Saturday tours at 1, 2 & 3 p.m. summithistory.org 12/2 & 12/3 “Nutcracker” Celebrate the season with this performance of this classic holiday story by Ballet Theatre of Ohio. Akron Civic Theatre, 182 S. Main St., Akron. 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. $45-$55. akroncivic.com

12/2, 12/9 & 12/16 Lunch with Santa Eat at the Bistro and visit with Santa. Gervasi Vineyard, the Bistro, 1700 55th St. NE, Canton. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. gervasivineyard.com 12/2, 12/18, 12/19, 12/20 & 12/21 Holiday Movies View holiday classics including “The Polar Express,” “Elf,” “Home Alone,” “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.” Canton Palace Theatre, 605 Market Ave. N, Canton. Dec. 2 11 a.m. sensory screening & 3 p.m., 12/2-3, 12/8-10, 12/15 17 & 12/20-23 Holiday Lantern Tours Go on this lantern-lit walking tour of Hale Farm & Village decorated for the holidays. Hale Farm & Village, 2686 Oak Hill Road, Bath. Tours depart 5:20-9 p.m. $15-$25. wrhs.org Dec. 18-21 7:30 p.m. $10. cantonpalacetheatre.org


akronlife.com | DECEMBER 2023

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