Akron Life April 2022
by London Green
Timeless Fun A day out in Amish Country
photos provided by Baltic Mill Winery
EXCITING ESCAPES Amish Country is full of adventures and unique fun. Make the most of your trip and get inspired by these activities.
Wine tasting is the perfect Amish Country outing. Before becoming a winery, Baltic Mill used to be Ohio’s largest flour mill in the mid-1800s, and much of the machinery is still on-site. While tasting various wines like Sweet Blackberry, Just Peachy and Little Daisy, you can also chow down on meat WHERE TO DRINK: Baltic Mill Winery
and cheese plates, which feature cheeses from Pearl Valley Cheese and meats from Baltic Country Meats. Also choose from hum mus and veggies and pulled pork sandwiches, and consider its New York-style cheesecake with fudge sauce to satisfy your sweet tooth. balticmillwinery.com
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