Akron Life April 2022



The vision for a children’s museum in Akron came to Betsy and Ryan Hartschuh years ago as they traveled the country. They stopped in many cities that had their own museums just for kids and thought, Why doesn’t Akron have this ? After overwhelming support for a pop-up space at Lock 3, the Akron Children’s Museum opened its doors in a more permanent fashion in 2016 after reaching fund raising goals and partnering with the city. Traci Buckner, the museum’s executive director, notes the museum has hosted nearly 200,000 visitors since it opened. While the past two years have been a challenge with COVID-19, the city is drop ping its mask requirements as

we go to press in mid-March, and more people are starting to get out. Buckner says the museum will soon be expanding an addi tional 3,000 square feet for a total of 10,000 square feet of interactive space that includes more than 22 exhibits. “We are focused on how chil dren can learn through play,” Buckner says. “We recently formalized a relationship with the Akron Public Schools to be one of the host provid ers for what they call their Essential Experiences. Those experiences are funded by the G.A.R. Foundation. We will be one of those providers for the next three years. All 1,800 kindergarteners will get to come to the museum for this learning experience over about 55 days during the course of

the school year. We’re really excited about that.” Inside, kids can play in Akron themed exhibit areas, some of which are sponsored by local businesses such as Acme Fresh Market (Down on the Farm) and Smucker’s (Farmer’s Market). There is also a theater, a baby zone, Canal Corner and a Little Monster Maker Space for kids to see, touch and learn with the help of staff and volunteers. Buckner says the museum is filling up fast for birthday celebrations, with more than 60 scheduled for the year. It’s a great space to spend the day with your kids and learn — whether a special occasion or not. akronkids.org


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