Adirondack Peeks Summer 2024
belief that I could overcome any obstacle. The first time I experienced the undeniable ef fects of Raynaud's was during my first winter high peak at sunrise, January 20, 2020. It was a cold winter morn ing, with gusts of wind making it roughly -40°F. I remem ber being infatuated with the way the snow absorbs the colors of the beautiful vibrant sun. I wanted to capture its beauty on my phone however my fingers started to painfully burn each time I foolishly exposed them to the environment. The numbness and pain that followed were terrifying. I had second degree burns on my pinky finger and my second toe. It was after this hike I discovered I had Raynaud’s syndrome. However, my call to the mountains was strong. So, when I decided to hike the 46 high peaks in winter, I knew I had a considerable challenge ahead of me and I was determined not to let Raynaud's stop me. Getting started, I relied on my hiking friends for recommendations on layers, gear, and fuel and I started taking extra precautions such as wearing mittens and keeping extra layers and supplies in my pack. Each hiking adventure made me more aware of my body’s needs dur ing a full day of cold temperatures. I realized that through my pace and layering system I could manage sweating and have a more enjoyable and safe experience. I also recognized the importance of proper fueling, especially with Raynaud’s. When my body is cold, I know it’s working harder to maintain its equilibrium. This translates to burn ing energy, which requires calories to fuel the process. At the moment when I don’t feel physically equipped to complete the hike, it’s too late, and I need to quickly con sume calories, which is another feat; I don’t know about you, but when I am extremely cold and losing energy, I don’t have much of an appetite. So, knowing what I could stomach was important when planning, as well as having
Allison with Marcy in the Background
Physically preparing for each expedition required research of the trail conditions, weather, planning of gear and a team of support. I knew the unforgiving winter con ditions of the Adirondacks demanded extraordinary resil ience. I embarked on a rigorous training regimen, gradu
ally acclimating my body to the cold and building stamina. I incorporated cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility routines into my daily life, all while balanc ing the need to avoid trig gers that could induce a Raynaud's episode. Mental fortitude was equally crucial. I em barked on a journey of self-discovery, exploring mindfulness and medita tion practices to cultivate a sense of internal calm. I learned to visualize success, to envision my self scaling the majestic peaks without the limita tions imposed by Rayn aud's. Through mental conditioning, I fostered a
Ascending Santanoni
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