Adirondack Peeks Summer 2024
Women-Only Work Weekend Bridge Project, July 17, 2017
LR: We were a little surprised we didn't get more nominations. I would like to see more members involved in the process going forward. Again, it was the initial year, so people need to learn more about it and present ing the first award will help spread the news. I would say that if you think there is someone who meets the criteria, don't hesitate to nominate them. SR: Is only one person from the list of nominations picked each year? LR: No, people are chosen based upon the criteria, and there could be more than one person a year based on feedback from the recognition committee. SR: You started as president in May 2021, not quite a year after the pan demic infiltrated our lives. How was the organization impacted by the pandemic? LR: We were impacted in a couple of different ways. One of them was by
happy to see us. What are you guys doing here, they wanted to know. As we explained what we were doing, they listened with a twinkle in their eyes while never letting go of each other's hand. Then they told us it was their anniversary and they have been coming here for over 40 years. They told us they only walk a little way up the trail now each year. They were back in half an hour, just as happy as could be. It’s great to connect with so many wonderful people. SR: As a director, you were recog nized in 2019 with a Founder’s Award. What made you decide to become a director? LR: I didn't decide at all; I was asked. I felt that if I could help then I would do my best to help. So, I said yes. I learned how complex this organiza tion is as a director and that every one works together as a group for the good of the Adirondacks, the or ganization, and the hikers. It was easy to step into the position and help. The biggest thing
I think I got involved in as the direc tor was the Grace Peak celebration when we renamed the peak and or ganized a celebratory event. SR: If someone wanted to become a director, how would you recommend they go about it? LR: I think they should reach out to someone within the organization that they know and express their interest. I feel everybody has unique talents and skills that can be used to help the 46ers. We need more volunteers and there is something for everyone to do here. SR: The Founders Award was recent ly replaced by the new President's Award, and the first awardees will be presented this year. Award cri teria and details related to nominat ing candidates can be found on the website at 46ers-presidents-award. How did the first go-round with this recogni tion program go?
SUMMER 2024 | 11
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