Adirondack Peeks Summer 2023
decades of outdoor experience. I personally have been guiding for seven years now within various capacities. For field days alone, I think I'm over 365 days of being in the woods. This was not my first winter backpacking trip. I came to this trip with so much experience. I'm a professional guide who teaches
When I filled in as a summit steward and folks would celebrate their 46th on the top, I'd say “Congratulations! Now what are you going to do to give back?” That’s what being a 46er is all about, isn’t it?
is all about, isn’t it? If you've got time, volunteer. If you don't have time, maybe you've got money and you can donate to organizations. If you don't have either of those things, it's pretty easy to just talk to people, talk to your friend about starting to hike and direct them to Leave No Trace’s website ( Take a course with the Adirondack 46ers, or with me at the Adirondack Mountain Club (ADK)! References Adirondack Forty-Sixers, Inc. (2011). Heaven up-h’isted-ness! Author. Adirondack History Museum. Anne LaBastille. https:// the-adiron/anne-labastille
winter survival skills to people. My point is, I didn't enter into this lightly; it took a lot of serious planning. It also took me bailing on multiple sections and having to put my ego aside. This is what I want people to get out of this story. It was hard to turn around during our first attempt. I had never turned around on a hike until then. I'm someone that likes to finish what I start, and it was really hard for me to make that decision because I wanted to keep going, but I knew as a group we needed to head to safety. It was also a good experience because it made it so much easier the next year when I had to bail again. I'd already done it. The Band-Aid had been ripped off. Remember: by making it out safe and alive, you can always hike another day. That became the focus. And if I got to finish this winter hike, that would just be the icing on the cake. Lastly, I would say that it’s important to give back. The Adirondacks have done so much for me, so I want to do everything in my power to protect this place, and right now that is as an educator. When I filled in as a summit steward and folks would celebrate their 46th on the top, I'd say “Congratulations! Now what are you going to do to give back?” That’s what being a 46er
Yes, I’m a woodswoman, from my heart to my soul, to my bare feet and boot bottoms. —Anne LaBastille (Adirondack History Museum)
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