ALCO Catalog W6
Excel X-Wide with Removable Arms and Swing-Away Footrests OR Elevating Legrests
When Ordering, Specify Left (L) or Right (R)—Sitting in Chair
ALCO Price
ALCO Price
Fig. Description
Part No.
Fig. Description
Part No.
AL-145BK-A3 $5.95 AL-135BK-A3 $5.95
16 Wheel Lock (Pair)
1 Armrest Pad, Black, Desk Length Armrest Pad, Black, Full Length
Aluminum Footplate Footrest, Left, Hemi Spacing (1-3/8") 2 Footrest, Right, Hemi Spacing (1-3/8") 2 Footrest, Pair , Hemi Spacing (1-3/8") 2 17 Footrest, Left, Adult Spacing (3-1/8") 1 Footrest, Right, Adult Spacing (3-1/8") 1 Footrest, Pair , Adult Spacing (3-1/8") 1 Legrest, Left, Hemi Spacing (1-3/8") 2 Legrest, Right, Hemi Spacing (1-3/8") 2 Legrest, Pair , Hemi Spacing (1-3/8") 2 Legrest, Left, Adult Spacing (3-1/8") 1 Legrest, Right, Adult Spacing (3-1/8") 1 Legrest, Pair , Adult Spacing (3-1/8") 1
Pr. Pr.
2 Armrest, Black, Desk Length, Removable (Pair) AL-64740 Armrest, Black, Full Length, Removable (Pair) AL-64741
$99.95 $99.95
AL-114B-L AL-114B-R AL-64424 AL-114A-L AL-114A-R AL-64421 AL-420HL AL-420HR AL-64414 AL-420L AL-420R AL-64412 AL-64721 AL-70116 AL-64737 AL-64772 AL-67027 AL-70094
$39.95 $39.95 $69.95 $39.95 $39.95 $69.00 $69.50 $69.50 $119.00 $69.50 $69.50 $119.00 $39.95
AL-64742 AL-64712 AL-64754 AL-72515 AL-64755 AL-72516 AL-64758 AL-72517 AL-64759 AL-72518 AL-64767 AL-70121 AL-59706 AL-64768 AL-64769 AL-64770 AL-64771 AL-54873 AL-70120
3 Armlock Pin
$10.95 $29.95 $34.95 $29.95 $44.95 $31.95 $34.95 $29.95 $44.95 $79.95 $12.95 $12.95 $29.95 $29.95 $19.95 $3.95
4 Seat & Back Upholstery Hardware
20" Wide Back w/screws, Black, Nylon (OEM) 20" Wide Back w/screws, Black, Nylon 22" Wide Back w/screws, Black, Nylon (OEM) 5 22" Wide Back w/screws, Black, Nylon 20" Wide Seat w/screws, Black, Nylon (OEM) 20" Wide Seat w/screws, Black, Nylon 22" Wide Seat w/screws, Black, Nylon (OEM) 22" Wide Seat w/screws, Black, Nylon 6 Wheel Assembly w/ Bearing & Handrim
18 Footplate Assembly Aluminum
7 Wheel Hubcap
$6.95 $6.95
19 Handgrip
8 Wheel Bearing* (Pair) 9 Axle & Nut for Rear Wheel 10 Front Caster w/ Bearings
20 Tube End Cap 21 Slide Tube 22 Seat Guides 23 Black Rubber Tip 24 Calf Pad, Black
$5.95 $2.95
11 Fork, Chrome
12 Bearings for Front Caster (Pair) 14 Stem Bearing for Front Caster
AL-422UBK-A3 $13.95
$4.95 $3.95
15 Dust Cap
1 For Excel chairs with serial #s A95 through A98, 3-1/4" pin spacing 2 For Excel chairs with serial te A99, A00, A01, A02, 1.5" pin spacing * For Wheelchairs with serial # starting w/A58, please contact customer service
Made with FlippingBook