330 Homes Summer 2022

d r e a m h o u s e

It’s accented by a photo graph their daughter took in Paris. More of those photos are in the den that has a fireplace and black and-white checked chair and ottoman. One of the stipulations when they moved in was to build Cheryl a walk-in closet. But there were only three small bedrooms. “I told Jim that the third bedroom was going to be my walk-in closet,” Cheryl says. “Jim sketched out how to do it.” He added wire shelving that could be removed by the next owner. Cheryl decorated it with a blue-and-yellow floral wallpaper, birdcages with plants, a Tarkay art work, a cream-and-brown zebra print rug and a throw pillow on a yellow bench matching the wallpaper. When the couple tells friends about how much work they’ve done to their home, the initial reaction is usually, Why didn’t you build a new house instead? “It’s the location and size,” Cheryl explains. “It’s just the whole feel and atmo sphere of the neighborhood. And the house that we saw with respect to its layout

had terrific potential.” See the results of their work on the virtual Bath Volunteers for Service Distinctive Homes Tour June 1 to 12. Cheryl and Jim’s vision made their house a per

fectly tailored home as their long love story continues. “We did the big house. We did the condo,” says Cheryl. “We just wanted a forever home that was just for us.”

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