330 Homes Summer 2021
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T E S T A R E A LT Y S AV E S S U MM I T C OU N T Y R E S I D E N T S T HOU S A N D S We all know of someone f inancially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. While so many industry sectors have been hit hard, one of the bright spots has been the residential housing market. “Summit County has seen a 32 percent increase in home sales in November and December of 2020 over the previous year. During that time, the average days on market fell from 69 to 40,” says Testa Cos. president Joel Testa. “The real estate industry has been one of the few around that has managed to thrive during these very diff icult times. Because of this, we feel a moral obligation to our community to give back.” Testa’s real estate f irm has announced a program called “Community Strong,” which went live in 2020. If you have a home to sell in Summit County and are looking to buy another one in that same area, it is willing to list your home and assist you in purchasing your new home for free. That’s right — free. Testa is quick to point out that as much as it sounds too good to be true, there is no catch to the program.
“Our agents earn our fee from the seller of the new home our buyers purchase. So, there is already no cost to the buyers for our service,” he says. “By committing to let us help you with that transaction, we are willing to list your house for sale at no charge.” Testa sees this as a way to not only give back to the community but also to invest in future clients. “We aren’t just offering this to families that need to retain as much of the equity in their house as they can when they sell,” he says. “We are hoping that aff luent sellers see the value and become new clients for life. So far we’ve managed to save some clients tens of thousands of dollars in each deal.” For more info, contact Cassie Testa, director of residential sales and leasing at Testa Real Estate Group at cassietesta@testacompanies.com or 330-945-HOME.
Testa Realty 330-945-HOME testacompanies.com
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