330 Homes Spring 2022
s p a c e l i f t
CA B I N E T RY AND HA RDWA R E : A pair of brass handles, each one-half of an octopus, accentuate a cabinet in the fireplace-flanking built-ins painted Sherwin-Williams Hunt Club. This color serves as a bright foil for Sherwin-Williams Tricorn Black walls. “[The clients] wanted a bold color,” Casey says, “and green is one of their favorites.” The handles, ordered online from Indonesia, reminded them of an antique pair they saw while in France. “They do love the sea,” Casey says, “so they wanted to bring that into the space.” BAC KS P L ASH : Casey sug gested extending Artistic Tile’s Tambourine Traps Gillespie Green Mosaic — an arrange ment of polished- and matte glass trapezoids ranging in color from spring green to turquoise to emerald to almost-black — from the steel-gray leathered granite countertop to the ceiling. Mizener added two brushed brass sconces to the wall. “That creates more of a dramatic effect, with the light bouncing off those tiles,” Casey says. T H E CHAND E L I E R : The fixture, which drips clear, white and gold blown glass droplets, is a souvenir of the homeowners’ honeymoon stop on Murano, an island in Venice, Italy, known around the world for its glass. “They were walking through one of the shops there, saw this extremely beautiful chandelier and just fell in love with it,” Casey says. “They purchased it and had it sent back to the States.”
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