330 Homes Spring 2022
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TAK E THE “BL INDERS” OF F – WE’RE NOT WHAT WE USED TO BE! It’s Blinds 2022 and The Interior Design Studio can bring you the latest! No, they are certainly not your grandmother’s blinds. No longer is it simply a choice of size, color, and type; Blinds have entered the world of technology in a way that brings the smart car parking itself some competition, relatively speaking. Customize a few settings using a slick app on your phone and — wahla! Your blinds in the living room automatically raise just in time to reveal the sunrise as you drink your morning coffee. Come home in the dark after a long day at work and the blinds have automatically closed for the privacy you need to curl up in your jammies with a glass of wine and some Netf lix binging. If that weren’t enough – sitting in your home off ice to work on a late-night project and feeling a little left out from the family? Simply gaze at your kid’s favorite artwork designed on the shade covering your off ice window. Let’s face it - their artwork is no longer for the refrigerator only! At Interior Design Studio, we pride ourselves on not only great design but making sure we are up to speed on all of the latest technologies and trends in the marketplace. We’d love to help
you create your blind oasis! Interior Design Studio 207 S. Court St., Medina 330-725-7623 interiordesignstudiooh.com
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