330 Homes Fall 2022
w e l c o m e
VALUABLE AREA Living in The 330 is both affordable and enjoyable.
a s u p p l e m e n t t o A k r o n L i f e m a g a z i n e
Pub l i she r COL I N BAKER cbaker@bakermediagroup.com Cr e a t i ve D i r e c t o r WI LL I AM L . TECKMYER I I I wteckmyer@bakermediagroup.com Mana g i ng Ed i t o r KELLY PETRYSZYN kpet ryszyn@bakermediagroup.com As s i s t an t Ed i t o r ALEXANDRA SOBCZAK asobczak@bakermediagroup.com Gr aph i c De s i gne r TYLAR CALHOUN tsut ton@bakermediagroup.com
I recently saw a Business Insider story that high lighted cities with the lowest cost of living in the United States. Yeah, it was clickbait, and I was lured into scrolling through, but it was interest ing. Ohio had four cities in the top 25, and Akron was ranked 10th for affordability. I’m sure this comes as no surprise if you have trav eled around the country. So many cities are extreme when ing. Cities like New York and San Francisco have always been expensive, and though many residents are leaving for cheaper cities, there will always be a pull of people and talent there. My oldest son, a senior at Ohio University, has been offered a position in northern California just outside of San Francisco. He told me he doesn’t know if he wants to live there because of how much of his pay would go to housing expenses, and owning isn’t even close to being in the cards. He said he could see himself living in Ohio, which really surprised me because he has always said he wants to live on the West Coast. When you’re young and don’t have to pay for it, everything about living in an overpriced city sounds fun. But once you get close to making that decision, it’s your money that would be spent on a shared apartment for several it comes to housing costs and the overall cost of liv
thousand dollars in rent. You start to think differently, especially in today’s world of remote work, where many employers don’t require you to work in an office setting. I certainly enjoy the benefits of living in Akron. The neighbor hood I live in would be com pletely unaffordable in other cities, totally out of reach for me and my family. We are lucky to live in The 330, and because everything we have isn’t spent on housing, our family can live well in a nice community. Yes, it’s possible The 330 will be discovered. People could see we sit near a massive lake of fresh water, and although winters can be rough, they make springs that much sweeter. We have the arts, universities, sports, a national park and great restaurants. The houses here are beauti ful, with tons of turn-of-the century character and history. Get a look inside some of those amazing houses in this issue of 330 Homes . I have lived in cities that have been discovered. Lots of people pour in, home prices go up and infrastructure is tested. This hasn’t happened yet, but according to Roofstock, The 330 reported that home values have risen almost 19 percent in the last year. Regardless, if you are a new homeowner in The 330 area, welcome. It’s a great place to live.
Sa l e s BUNNY LACEY STEVE TYSON BEN D I COLA sales@bakermediagroup.com
C i r cu l a t i on circulat ion@bakermediagroup.com 330-253-0056, ext . 104
fall 2022 | volume 4 | issue 3
33 O HOMES is published by Baker Media Group, LLC, 1653 Merriman Road, Suite 116, Akron, OH 44313. Copyright 2022© by Baker Media Group, LLC, All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or pictorial con tent in any manner is prohibited without written permission. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by an addressed envelope and sufficient postage. Baker Media Group, LLC and Akron Life accept no responsibil ity for unsolicited material. Subscription rates: Continental U.S., One year —$19.95, Two years —$34.95. Call for Alaska, Hawaii or interna tional rates. Single issues available by calling the circulation department or visiting akronlife.com/ store. $3.95 each plus $3.50 shipping & han dling. Editorial, advertising and business offices: (330) 253-0056, fax (330) 253-5868.
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