330 Homes Fall 2022

f r e s h d e s i g n

I NCR E AS E N EW E N E RG Y A simple act that we don’t always do can be key to a big energy boost. “Feng shui believes that your front door is where all new fresh energy comes into your home,” Troyer says. She recommends using it several times a week or once a day. “[It’s] the intention that you’re allowing new energy in, especially if you’re in a home that feels stagnant.” And because it’s how energy enters your home, your entranceway should feel good to you. Stand outside and examine it. Is the paint peeling? Is the lightbulb burned out? Is it appealing? Troyer says an unkempt space can be a reflection of the people inside and chaos in their lives. So make it a space you are proud of by decluttering, fixing issues and adding decor that feels like you. “It’s also your projection of who you are to the world — your front door — that’s how feng shui sees it,” she says. Feng shui is an ongoing process, so continue to check in and investigate each space and feel better in the process. “Taking care of our space and setting it up to serve us and to reflect good feelings back is really important,” Troyer says. “Because I care about the energy I’m putting out and the energy that I’m getting in, that’s ultimately going to bleed into your personal life.”


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