330 Homes Fall 2022

s p a c e l i f t | d r e a m h o u s e | f r e s h d e s i g n | s m a r t t e c h

by KELLY PETRYSZYN and photos provided by KATE TROYER

BETTER FLOW Try feng shui to boost your mood.

Kate Troyer

Try i t out

CU T C L U T T E R Since your environment

mirrors your state of being, decluttering will help you feel a sense of calm in your home and nix stress about cleaning. Troyer recommends first redefining clutter. “To me, the definition of clutter is anything that you do not love, that you do not use or that doesn’t serve a purpose within your life or within your home,” she says. It can be overwhelming, so she suggests sitting in each room and scanning the contents. Ask yourself, How does each object make me feel? If you hate it, trash or donate it. If you love it, keep it. Decluttering your home leads to decluttering your mind, Troyer explains. Often, her clients have items they can’t stand. And removing items that carry negative memories, such as clothes from an ex, can also remove their negative energy from your consciousness.

W hen Kate Troyer discovered feng shui by reading the “The Western Guide to Feng Shui” by Terah Kathryn Collins, she realized she had been living out the ancient Chinese methods her whole life. As a kid growing up in Wooster, she spent hours watching Martha Stewart’s decorating TV show and

home, such as repainting a bathroom. She noticed it improved her well-being. “When I made changes in my environment, it affected my mood,” Troyer says. “It affected how I felt about myself, how I felt about having friends over.” She became a certified feng shui practitioner and launched her Chagrin Falls-based home wellness company, Feng Shui

Kate. Through personal consultations and a virtual membership collective, Troyer makes the ancient concepts relatable. “It’s the practice of realizing that your environment is a direct mirror of anything that’s going on inside you,” she says.

Troyer offers tips to begin applying feng shui to your space.

spontaneously made upgrades to her family

“Everything has energy,” she says.

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