2019 Response
enrollment fees, accident insurance, examination fees, food, daily living necessities, and travel expenses. (Community rent and utility expenses, including wi-fi, are provided.) LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: PLACE Corps members live in intentional communities. Communities are designed to provide professional, spiritual and personal support. Community rent and utility expenses, including wi-fi, are provided. SIZE OF PROGRAM: 2 cohorts with an average of 30 each. TRAINING: PLACE Corps members will earn a Master of Arts degree in Urban Education from Loyola Marymount University and a California preliminary teaching credential over the course of the two-year program. PLACE Corps members who begin the program with an out of state credential may pursue a Master of Arts degree in Reading Instruction or Educational Studies, and will seek reciprocity from the California Commission on Teaching Credentialing. Mentor teachers work with teachers at each school site. Support, inspiration and reflection will be components of all aspects of training. APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 31 - priority enrollment deadline. April 30 - rolling enrollment deadline. Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Volunteer Program 1213 E. Bronson St. South Bend, IN 46615 574-340-6409 connie.ss@att.net w phjcvolprogram.org F facebook.com/phjcvolprogram CONTACT: Sr. Connie Bach, PHJC, Director of PHJC Volunteers AFFILIATIONS: Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, Roman Catholic GOAL OF PROGRAM: The mission of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Volunteer Program is to offer single, Catholic women unique opportunities in a faith-based context to live out their Baptismal call to share God’spresence in the world. Volunteers are inspired by openness to the Spirit, simplicity, community, and dignity and respect for all. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Social services, outreach to immigrants, caring for the earth, spirituality, education, community health care, the arts, women/children on the margins, the elderly. AREA OF SERVICE: Indiana, Illinois, Mexico, Kenya LENGTH OF SERVICE: 0-1 week, 1-3 weeks, 1 month-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, renewable REQUIREMENTS: Catholic women with faith context, ages 18 and older, high school diploma or GED, at least 2 years of college or work experience beyond high school, physical/emotional, mental stability, service-oriented, willing to live in small/intentional community with Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Sisters, lives PHJC core values of: openness to the Spirit, simplicity, community, dignity and respect for all. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: All volunteers provide own transportation to and from program. Transportation is provided (except for personal use) during volunteer experience. Volunteers receive room and board. Volunteers with a commitment of at least 3 months receive a monthly stipend and spiritual direction. Insurance is negotiable. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Live in small communities with PHJC Sisters. SIZE OF PROGRAM: Varies depending on place of service. L @bach_connie @phjc_vol_prog
Mercy Volunteers serving on a Navajo Reservation visit San Francisco volunteer during their year of service.
AFFILIATIONS: Loyola Marymount University (a Jesuit university), the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Diocese of Orange, Diocese of San Bernardino, Roman Catholic, and is a member of the University Consortium for Catholic Education (UCCE). GOAL OF PROGRAM: The PLACE Corps, Partners in Los Angeles Catholic Education, is Loyola Marymount University's nationally recognized Catholic teacher service corps. Built upon the three pillars of Professional Development, Community, and Spirituality, PLACE Corps members earn a master's degree and credential while serving as full-time teachers in primarily underserved Catholic schools of the Los Angeles Archdiocese and Dioceses of Orange and San Bernardino. During their two-year commitment, programmembers live in community while strengthening their own spirituality. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: PLACE Corps members serve as full-time elementary and secondary school teachers in underserved Catholic schools while attending graduate classes at LMU. AREA OF SERVICE: Los Angeles County, CA, Orange County, CA, Riverside County, CA LENGTH OF SERVICE: PLACE Corps members make a two-year commitment. Contracts with the respective (Arch)dioceses for school placement are generally offered in mid-April for the following school year and are renewable annually. Academic coursework begins in June and continues for two full years. REQUIREMENTS: PLACE Corps members must have a Bachelor's degree and be willing to live in community for the duration of their commitment. Members must have a strong desire to give something back to their community. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: PLACE Corps members receive a full-time teacher salary and benefits as an employee of their (Arch) Diocesan school. PLACE Corps is blessed by the support of many individuals and foundations in Southern California whose contributions serve significantly to offset tuition, housing, and program costs. PLACE Corps works diligently to ensure that candidate tuition, housing, and program fees total less than approximately half of their net salary. This allows candidates the opportunity to use half of their annual salaries in order to complete the two-year program debt free. PLACE Corps teachers may qualify for deferment of student loans, dependent on available federal and lender programs. Candidates provide their car and car insurance, cell phone, computer, textbooks, associated various graduate student
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