2019 Response
A Marianist PULSE volunteer educates students about the water systems of the Miami Conservancy District.
with religious communities, etc. Couples and families have private housing options. SIZE OF PROGRAM: The total number of members worldwide is approximately 60. The number varies in each region. TRAINING: Maryknoll Lay Missioners offers a comprehensive training to prepare missioners for overseas service. Missioners learn where they will be placed in the summer months before the Orientation begins in October. They begin communications with their mission country and begin country-specific studies at placement time, before they arrive for Orientation. The ten-week Orientation Program runs from October to December in Ossining, NY. Orientation includes classes in Catholic social teaching, spirituality of mission, Scripture, cross-cultural adaptation, racism and diversity, conflict management, trauma, etc. After the Orientation Program, country-specific orientation continues in each overseas site, including language studies and cultural and country studies. After contract completion, the missioners return to Ossining to process their experience in the Mission Integration Program. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Inquiries are accepted any time. Complete a Request for Application online at mklm.org. If you and MKLM seem like a match, we will provide you with a formal application. Formal applications are processed throughout the year on a rolling basis. Mercy Volunteer Corps 1325 Sumneytown Pike P.O. Box 901 Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437-0901 215-641-5535 ContactUs@MercyVolunteers.org w MercyVolunteers.org F facebook.com/MercyVolunteers
Africa, Asia and the Americas, responding to basic needs and helping to create a more just and compassionate world. Based in the rich tradition of Catholic Social Teaching, missioners serve in the fields of Health, Education Sustainable Development, Justice & Peace, and Pastoral Care – accompanying marginalized communities and challenging unjust structures that perpetuate poverty. Maryknoll Lay Missioners come from diverse backgrounds and life experiences, but are brought together by a common desire to serve others, live simply, walk humbly, be transformed through incredible encounters with other peoples and cultures, and find spiritual growth on the sacred ground of the other. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Our priority ministry areas are: health care, education, sustainable development, peace and justice, and pastoral ministry. AREA OF SERVICE: Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, El Salvador, Haiti, Kenya- South Sudan, and Tanzania. LENGTH OF SERVICE: 3.5 years, renewable. In addition to the 3.5 year placements in all service areas, 2.5 year placement options are also available in Tanzania, Bolivia, and El Salvador. Short-term option available in Bolivia for 6 months or longer. REQUIREMENTS: Catholic; U.S. citizen or permanent resident; Age 21 years and older; single individuals, married couples, families (with one or two children 8 years old or younger), Brothers, Deacons, Priests and Sisters. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Maryknoll Lay Missioners provides missioners with a stipend covering living expenses; health insurance; student loan re-payment for up to 100% of missioner's monthly loan payments while in mission; transportation to and from their country of mission. Missioners are asked to participate in the fundraising of the organization. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Living arrangements are largely up to the missioner, based on how they are most likely to thrive during their time in mission. Missioners may choose to live alone or with other missioners, with volunteers from other programs, with local families,
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