2019 Response
FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Tuition toward a Master of Education graduate degree in secondary education or a Master of Science in Educational Leadership (with principal licensure) or School Counseling and Preventative Mental Health (with school counselor licensure) is provided at no cost. Members receive a monthly stipend which assists them in paying rent, utilities and basic cost of living. May qualify for deferment and/or cancellation of undergraduate student loans. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Participants live together in intentional Christian community in a program chosen building, usually a repurposed convent, rectory or other church property. Communities generally consist of 3-8 members. Community living allows our teachers the opportunity to challenge and encourage each other as they develop personally, professionally, and spiritually. SIZE OF PROGRAM: 20-30 in two cohorts (first year teachers and second year teachers) TRAINING: Two years of graduate coursework toward a M.Ed. in secondary education or a M.S. in teacher leadership. At local school placements, Magis teachers receive the support of a mentor teacher and work closely with the school administrator and the Magis Director for support and guidence throughout the length of the program. Magis teachers attend a summer spirituality course and participate in retreats throughout the year. APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 31. Marianist PULSE 300 College Park Alumni Hall 226 Dayton, OH 45469-0323 937-229-1222 pulse@marianist.us w Marianist.com/pulse F facebook.com/MarianistPULSE CONTACT: Maureen O'Rourke, Coordinator of Marianist PULSE AFFILIATIONS: The Marianist Province of the U.S. GOAL OF PROGRAM: Marianist PULSE (Partners in Urban Leadership, Service and Education) is a postgraduate servant leadership and social justice initiative sponsored by the Marianists. PULSE is a one or two-year volunteer commitment to live in community with other PULSE volunteers in urban Dayton, Ohio. During this time volunteers will serve full time at a local nonprofit organization, gain leadership skills and become part of the diverse Marianist family. PULSE volunteers will glean knowledge of the Marianist charism, spirituality, and missionary discipleship. Major themes of Catholic Social Teaching and their relevance to advancing justice, reconciliation, and the integrity of creation will guide the formation of volunteers. Leadership development will include community building theory with a focus on servant leadership, consensus organizing, productive conversations, etc. PULSErs will gain skills in reflective learning and the ability to apply and derive practical knowledge to the practice of advancing justice. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Participants will commit to one or two years of full-time service to Dayton area non-profit agencies who serve the most vulnerable populations. Agencies will serve needs such as urban education, refugee resettlement, case management, food distribution, and literacy. AREA OF SERVICE: Dayton, Ohio, United States LENGTH OF SERVICE: One–two years REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and have a Bachelors Degree from an accredited college or university. Volunteers will live in intentional community with other PULSE volunteers. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: PULSE volunteers receive room, board and a monthly living stipend. Healthcare and transportation will be provided if needed. PULSErs will receive nonprofit agency experience
CATHOLICVOLUNTEERNETWORK .ORG | RESPONSE 2019 TRAINING: On-site training from directors: program orientation and training in youth ministry and the use of materials and equipment for presentations. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Rolling Maryknoll Bolivia Volunteer Program Maryknoll Mission Center in Latin America Casilla 131 Cochabamba, Bolivia 011-591-4-4241521 maryknollbolivia@gmail.com w cmmalbolivia.org/eng F facebook.com/MaryknollBolivia and leadership formation. Volunteers will be eligible for federal student loan deferment. At the end of service, volunteers will receive an end of service financial allocation to prepare for transition. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: PULSE volunteers will gather for meals and prayer in their house community while living simply in solidarity with the poor and marginalized. PULSErs will engage in a weekly Marianist formation program and journey alongside a spiritual mentor. SIZE OF PROGRAM: The PULSE program consists of 4–12 volunteers each program year. TRAINING: PULSErs receive an initial five-day Orientation Retreat at the beginning of the service year. Agencies where the volunteers serve provide on-site orientation and pertinent training for positions. PULSErs will participate in a weekly servant leadership formation program. In addition, mid-year and end-of-service retreats are offered during the one or two years of service. APPLICATION DEADLINE: The deadline for applications is January 15th of each year. Check our website concerning applying after the deadline. Visit marianist.com/PULSE for up-to-date information on the application process, or email pulse@marianist.us . Marist Volunteer Community 1455 Broadway Route 9W PO Box 197 Esopus, NY 12429 845-384-6620 maristbce@gmail.com w MaristBrothersCenter.org F facebook.com/MBCEsopus L @MBCEsopus CONTACT: Matt Fallon, Director of Operations AFFILIATIONS: Marist Brothers of the United States GOAL OF PROGRAM: Hospitality ministry to high school and young adults while hosting retreats and other youth ministries. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: In the winter months we provide and host high school retreats, Outdoor Adventure programs and youth ministry events. In the summer our main retreat house becomes the Mid- Hudson Valley Camp and strives to reach out to the most neglected populations including special needs and inner-city kids. AREA OF SERVICE: High Schools, colleges, and parishes in the New York-New Jersey metro area and Hudson Valley. LENGTH OF SERVICE: One year beginning the first week of September. REQUIREMENTS: Men and women, at least 21 years old, some college, willing to participate in the life of the Marist community, definite interest in working with high school and college students. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Room and board, small stipend, health insurance coverage, and some transportation. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Live with a Marist or volunteer community SIZE OF PROGRAM: Two volunteers
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