2019 Response

Loretto Volunteer Program Junia House 434 Buchanan St. NW Washington, DC 20011 319-325-5876 lorettovolunteers@lorettocommunity.org w lorettovolunteers.org F facebook.com/lorettovolunteers L @lorettovols CONTACT: Mallory Daily, Program Coordinator

CATHOLICVOLUNTEERNETWORK .ORG | RESPONSE 2019 REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers must be 21 years old. No upper age limit. No dependent children. Need not be Lutheran. Married couples and committed partners are welcome to apply. LVC is a Reconciling in Christ organization and on it's own Journey to an Inclusive Community, welcomes those from all faith practices, sexual orientations, gender identities and races. Each year 30-35% of LVC by serving Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Chicago, and educating and training future teachers/leaders of Catholic Education. LU-CHOICE teachers live out their faith and embody the Jesuit ideal of being men and women for others through service to their schools and dedication to their community. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Participants will be placed as elementary teachers within Catholic Elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Chicago. REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor's degree with a non-education major, or education majors seeking an elementary license, ability to work well with children, and a desire to live in community. Experience working with children, especially experience teaching, tutoring, mentoring, or coaching is a plus. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Participants in LU-CHOICE are enrolled in Loyola University Chicago's School of Education. Upon successful completion of their studies, they earn an M.Ed with certification. Participants receive a modest stipend, with which they pay for rent, utilities, and other basic costs of living. As employees of the Archdiocese of Chicago, they receive benefits such as health insurance, a pension plan, and professional growth allowance. All are eligible for loan deferment. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: All LU CHOICE teachers live together in a converted rectory/convent. SIZE OF PROGRAM: There are 12 members in the program. Six members in their first year and six members in their second year. TRAINING: Participants receive a graduate level education from Loyola University Chicago in elementary education. In addition, participants attend workshops on community life and spiritual development. 1226 Vermont Ave. NW Washington, DC 20005 202-387-3222 recruitment@lutheranvolunteercorps.org w lutheranvolunteercorps.org F facebook.com/LutheranVolunteerCorps L @LVCorps  @lutheranvolunteercorps CONTACT: Elizabeth Bier, Recruitment & Outreach Manager; AJ Cabrera, ProgramManager - Admissions AFFILIATIONS: Lutheran - ELCA, Reconciling in Christ GOAL OF PROGRAM: The Lutheran Volunteer Corps motto is "A year of service, a lifetime of commitment." LVC is committed to producing the next generation of social justice leaders by matching them in positions at outstanding nonprofit organizations. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Food Justice, health care, education, legal assistance, youth and children's programs, domestic violence, environmental, public policy and advocacy, hunger programs, immigration/refugee services, housing, homeless shelters, general social services and community organizing. AREA OF SERVICE: Washington, DC; Wilmington, DE; Baltimore, MD; Milwaukee, WI; Chicago, IL; Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN; Omaha, NE LENGTH OF SERVICE: One year beginning each August, with an option to renew; 40 hours per week. AREA OF SERVICE: Chicago, IL LENGTH OF SERVICE: Two years APPLICATION DEADLINE: January of each year. Lutheran Volunteer Corps

AFFILIATIONS: The program is a project of the Loretto Community, a welcoming and inclusive Catholic order of sisters with a 200-year history of advocating for peace, women's equality, and solutions to social injustices. GOAL OF PROGRAM: The Loretto Volunteer Program pairs volunteers with social justice organizations for a formative year of service. Through meaningful work and communal living, volunteers live out the Loretto Community's mission to work for justice and act for peace - guided by the core values of social justice, community, simplicity and spirituality. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Volunteer placements include: disability legal services; immigration legal service; social services; violence prevention; GED/adult education; K-12 education; grassroots organizing; healthcare clinics; campus ministry; grass-root organizing; LGBT-positive ministry; interfaith public radio; feminist theology; refugee services; policy & development at the United Nations. Browse our placements and partnering organizations here: lorettovolunteers. org/placements.html AREA OF SERVICE: St. Louis, MO ; Washington, DC; New York City, NY; El Paso, TX LENGTH OF SERVICE: 1 year REQUIREMENTS: Willingness to learn, appropriate education/ training for assignment, passion for peace and justice movements, compassion, commitment to inclusivity, and a sense of humor. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Room & board, transportation stipend, personal stipend, and health insurance. End-of-year educational award available to those who qualify. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Volunteer community houses in Washington, D.C., St. Louis, MO, and El Paso, TX SIZE OF PROGRAM: 10 - 15 year-long volunteers TRAINING: One-week orientation; mid-year and closing retreats; anti- racism training; opportunities for workshops with Loretto Community; on-site work-related training as needed. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications accepted after December 15; February 1 priority deadline, followed by rolling admission. Please don't hesitate to apply after February 1--we accept applications until



all placements are filled! LU-CHOICE Loyola University Chicago School of Education 11th Floor Lewis Towers 820 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611 312-915-7049 lhubbel@luc.edu w luc.edu/luchoice CONTACT: Lee Hubbell, Director

AFFILIATIONS: Roman Catholic (Jesuit), Loyola University of Chicago GOAL OF PROGRAM: The mission of LU-CHOICE is to advance, develop and sustain Catholic education by educating, placing and supporting talented college graduates in Catholic elementary classrooms in the Archdiocese of Chicago. This is accomplished


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