2019 Response
human and spiritual formation, and a tuition-free M.A. in Theology from the University of Notre Dame. Echo participants spend two summers at Notre Dame, and two academic years (August through May) providing direct service to either Catholic parishes (through a variety of catechetical ministries, such as RCIA and Youth Ministry) or to Catholic high schools (as theology teachers), all while living in intentional faith communities with other Echo participants. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Participants are placed at Catholic parishes & high schools in our partner dioceses. Parish apprentices work closely with a mentor while engaging in a wide variety of ministries ranging from youth ministry to social justice advocacy, and RCIA to multicultural catechesis. Theology teachers will teach junior or high school theology and assist with extracurricular activities at the school, particularly those related to ministry and faith formation. AREA OF SERVICE: Various partner dioceses and archdioceses in the United States. To date, the following arch/dioceses have partnered with Echo: Dallas-Fort Worth, TX; Galveston-Houston, TX; Fort Wayne- South Bend, IN; Indianapolis, IN; Peoria, IL; Milwaukee, WI; Wilmington, DE; Manchester, NH; St. Augustine, FL; St. Petersburg, FL; Camden, NJ; Kalamazoo, MI; Joliet, IL; West Lafayette, IN; Salt Lake City, UT; Knoxville, TN and Portland, OR. LENGTH OF SERVICE: Two years (25 months), June through July. REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must have received or expect to receive a bachelors degree from an accredited institution of higher education by the summer when they begin the program. GRE scores of 153 or above (in both verbal & quantitative reasoning) and 4.0 (in writing) and six credits of theology or religious studies are required along with the application for admission into the Notre Dame Graduate School. Echo welcomes candidates from the Catholic Church and from abroad. array of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Admission to Echo is presently reserved for single lay persons committed to living in an intentional Echo faith community house with other Echo participants. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Echo members receive: full tuition coverage for the MA in Theology; full room and board coverage while at Notre Dame in summers for course work; rent-free housing with basic utilities while living in partner diocese and serving in parish/school placement. Medical coverage is optional. Parish apprentices & theology teachers receive $12,000 per year stipend for parish/school service. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Echo participants live in intentional faith communities with other Echo apprentices or teachers while serving parishes and schools in our partner dioceses (August - May). These communities usually consist of three to five persons each. Summer housing is provided at Notre Dame in residence halls (June-July). SIZE OF PROGRAM: Approximately 15-20 new parish apprentices per year and 6-12 theology teachers, with three to five apprentices in each diocese and one apprentice at each parish or school. An estimated 40-50 apprentices & theology teachers will be participating in Echo at a given time with both years combined. TRAINING: Participants receive a Master's degree in Theology, along with comprehensive intellectual, spiritual, human-communal and professional-ministerial formation. On-site mentoring by an experienced ministry professional is integral to the program. APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 1st (Fee-waiver deadline): Application Deadline for those requesting the application "fee waiver." January 10th (Regular deadline): Online Application due through Notre Dame Graduate School; January-April: Admission period (interviews, offers, commitment, placement). Emmaus Farm
F facebook.com/EmmausFarm L @EmmausFarm @emmausfarm CONTACT: Sarah George, Executive Director AFFILIATIONS: Catholic
CATHOLICVOLUNTEERNETWORK .ORG | RESPONSE 2019 GOAL OF PROGRAM: Emmaus Farm is a nonprofit organization dedicated to service in the community of rural Lewis County, Kentucky. Our volunteer staff of FarmManagers facilitates a week of service to Lewis County, Appalachian cultural immersion, and spiritual retreat in the Catholic tradition, for high school and college volunteers. At Emmaus Farm, we invite volunteers to live the cornerstones of simplicity, community, prayer, and service. Dedicated to the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, and inspired by Catholic Social Teaching, we serve the rural poor, the weak, the elderly, and the marginalized. Our mission is to serve Christ in his many forms, to serve where the need exists, and to allow others the opportunity to see and fulfill the need for service, as well as to experience the spiritual richness of the people of Lewis County. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: With the supervision of the Emmaus Farm Executive Director, FarmManagers serve as leaders of the weeks of service for short-term volunteers, coordinate work sites, interact with volunteer groups during their time with Emmaus Farm, and assume other roles and responsibilities as needed to serve the Farm and the local community. Service sites include construction sites, home repair, food/clothing pantry, farm stewardship, adult mental health agency, senior center, nursing home, and home visits. AREA OF SERVICE: We serve in rural Lewis County, Kentucky. LENGTH OF SERVICE: We ask for a 1 year commitment from Farm Managers, but are also open to summer service or short internships. REQUIREMENTS: At least 21 years of age; valid driver's license; some college or equivalent life experience; volunteer experience beneficial; dedication to the cornerstones of the Farm: service, simplicity, community, and prayer; open to living a committed intentional community lifestyle; understanding of and respect for the Catholic faith; willingness to work in a variety of situations; open to collaborative work with volunteers and the people of Lewis County; ability to physically exert oneself; flexible, organized, energetic, fun-loving, open-minded, hard-working. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: $200/month living stipend, room and board, transportation, on-the-job training and skills, health insurance through CVN. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Staff house: home for FarmManagers - 1-2 person bedrooms, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, common rooms SIZE OF PROGRAM: 2-4 year-long staff, 8-24 week-long volunteers for 10-20 weeks/year TRAINING: Staff retreats throughout the year, at least 1 full week of training provided by the Executive Director, on-the-job instruction as needed. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Rolling - Accepted throughout the year Episcopal Service Corps info@episcopalservicecorps.org w episcopalservicecorps.org F facebook.com/EpiscopalServiceCorps L @EpisServiceCorp @episcopalservicecorps The Abraham Project—Winston-Salem, NC w episcopalservicecorps.org/programs/abraham-project F facebook.com/theabrahamprojectws L @TAP_WS CONTACT: Becky Johnston, becky@theabrahamproject.net, 336-978-4416
2925 Lower Kinney Rd. Vanceburg, KY 41179 606-796-2363 SarahGeorge@EmmausFarm.org w EmmausFarm.org
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