2019 Response
Listen when you have the confidence to do more, that’s faith; listen when others are believing in you, that’s hope; and listen when your heart burns with passion, that’s love. ELLEN, MARIANIST PULSE
LENGTH OF SERVICE: DSW hosts several hundred volunteers for Service Retreats each year (1-7 days). Summer Immersion is a three week service-learning immersion experience, about 12 interns join us each summer. Service Year Volunteers is a 12 month program starting with Orientation in August of each year. We also welcome volunteers to join us on their own time frame. REQUIREMENTS: For the Service Year program, volunteers must be between 21-29 years or old and willing to live simply in a community focused on service, spirituality and enjoyment of life. Summer Immersion applicants are 18 years or older. A healthy sense of humor is an asset. Volunteers must be willing to bring Christian virtues and attitudes to pretty rough urban communities. The application process includes recommendations and a personal interview. Documents and priority deadline for applying can be found on our website. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: For Service Year volunteers, DSW provides room and board in our spacious old rectory, complete with comfortable living spaces and a chapel. Also included is health insurance and a modest stipend of $110/month for any personal needs. Transportation to and from work site may be provided. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: The DSW house is a beautiful old rectory from a closed parish and serves as a warm home for our volunteers. Our neighborhood is poor and urban yet has a positive atmosphere especially because of the presence of these hope-filled endeavors. SIZE OF PROGRAM: Each year DSW hosts about 12 Summer Interns and 3-5 Service Year Volunteers. In the course of a single year, we also host over 1,000 Service Retreat volunteers who come to do short term service. TRAINING: There is orientation in August and three other retreats during the year (in D.C. and Cape May, NJ). Volunteers have regular formation and opportunity for spiritual direction. There is hands-on training at each work site. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and deadlines are flexible, understanding that discernment can take time. February 15th, preliminary application due. March 15th, full application due with references. Discipleship Year Program
situated within a Christian context, while welcoming all - no matter what religious or non religious affiliation. We welcome all races, classes of people and ranges of sexual orientations. The program provides weekly seminars with a focus on building community, deepening self awareness/spiritual practices, along with exploring the root causes of poverty and oppression. GOAL OF PROGRAM: To provide an opportunity for members to work alongside people in need, to learn about the root causes of poverty and oppression while striving to find solutions to these injustices. We are committed to social change within a community and faith based framework. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Discipleship Year provides placements in the fields of Health Care, Affordable Housing, Immigrant Services, Early Childhood Development, Support for those with Intellectual Challenges and in General Social Services. These currently include Academy of Hope, Briya Public Charter School, Community of Hope, L'Arche, N St. Village, Potter's House Cafe and Bookstore and Joseph's House with more being added soon for our 2018–2019 year. AREA OF SERVICE: Washington, D.C. LENGTH OF SERVICE: 11 1/2 months. Begin August 27, 2019 and end July 31, 2020. REQUIREMENTS: Commit to one year of service in Washington, D.C., to serve in a non-profit designed to your interests, live with others in community and take classes at the Soteria Community School. Must be 21 years of age or older (college education preferred but not required). We accept married or committed couples without children– U.S. or Canadian citizenship. International volunteers may apply but must arrange for their own Visa. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Volunteers receive room and board, and a personal stipend of $275/month is provided. Health Insurance provided. We'll help you defer your loans. The program also pays for each participant to take three classes per year at the Soteria Community School (festivalcenter.org) and sponsors three retreats for the volunteers annually. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Group house with five bedrooms, large common rooms, and several bathrooms. Address of home is in the Adams Morgan neighborhood of DC. One bedroom will be shared by two people. The rest have their own rooms. Parking in the back for two cars. SIZE OF PROGRAM: Six persons; 21 years of age or older. TRAINING: Volunteers receive orientation the last week of August, along with further orientation/training at their placement sites. Two Semesters of classes at Soteria Community School are provided and three community retreats during the year. In addition, a seminar is held once/week on Tues afternoons. This seminar focuses on strengthening intentional community, deepening our self awareness and spiritual practices, along with exploring issues related to justice and peace. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications accepted throughout winter, spring and summer. Official deadlines are March 1, April 1, May 1 and June 1. We process applicants in Rounds, so those who apply by the 1st deadline get 1st pick of placements they prefer. Contact office to receive application: Dawn Longenecker, Program Director dlongenecker@festivalcenter.org or 202-328-1102 or go on-line to: festivalcenter.org/programs/discipleshipyear
1640 Columbia Rd. NW Washington, DC 20009 202-328-1102 dlongenecker@festivalcenter.org w festivalcenter.org/dy F facebook.com/FestivalDC L @FestivalDC CONTACT: Dawn Longenecker, Program Director
AFFILIATIONS: Discipleship Year is a one year internship opportunity in Washington, D.C. supported by The Festival Center. Check us out at festivalcenter.org/dy. Soteria Community School is a sister program to Discipleship Year, also based at the Festival Center. Interns (volunteers) take classes at the School, which is focused on the intersection of Faith and Justice. Participants serve 35 hours/week in non-profits dedicated to reducing poverty and injustice. All members live in Intentional Community, sharing their food $ in common. We are
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