2019 Mail Order Catalog
Pıoneer Roses
The best rose hybridizing program in the world is right here at the Antique Rose Emporium. A bold statement, but we humbly and passionately believe our roses are some of the best new roses in the market. In fact, several of our efforts like ‘Thomas Affleck’, ‘Promises’ and ‘Cole’s Settlement’ have won regional awards in the American Gar- den Rose Selection trials as noted with the designation of AGRS . Big things often have humble beginnings, and that’s exactly our story; a story that continues to this day. Our Pioneer roses originated from a simple but profound idea; breed new fragrant, repeat blooming roses that are no-spray, and easy to grow.You might think all breeders are doing that now. What makes our hybridizing different from all the rest is that we are embracing the use of old garden classics such as Teas, Chinas, Damasks, etc. in addition to unique and untapped rare species in our breeding efforts. Searches for evocative fragrance and less "sought out" traits like unusual archi- tecture, fall color, exfoliation bark, heat tolerance and even the disease resistance to the deadly Rose Rosette disease are our goals for the future. Share with us this renaissance of the rose, where fussy spray schedules and arduous culture guidelines are a thing of the past. Now roses are a dynamic art form, unique in many ways yet full of flower and fragrance; to be used like an individual brushstroke for your garden masterpiece.
1625 Doreen's Centennial™ 4 X 4 feet. Z5-11 R/Fr/mp Shrb
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