2019 Mail Order Catalog
the porch is properly embellished by the size of the plant. The same 'Old Blush' planted next to an eight foot fence would be allowed to grow to six or seven feet without jeopardizing the scale of the yard or garden relative to the fence.
Large Shrubs The following selection of roses encompass the most popular plants in the garden, large shrubs. These roses, range from four to eight feet in height and can be used as showy specimens in the perennial border, planted in rows to create colorful hedges or used as foundation plant- ings around a house or fence. They also can simply be mixed with other plants in the gardens to embellish the landscape or home. Most bloom spring and fall and are fragrant. The rose shape and size, appropriate to the scale of the garden, can easily be maintained with a light pruning in early spring and early fall. Almost every class of rose is represented here; from the chunky repeat blooming Chinas and Teas to the more upright and fragrant Hybrid Teas, Hybrid Perpetuals and Bourbons. You will also find a lot of the “Found” roses in this sec- tion. These “Found Roses” were discovered surviving in cemeteries and abandoned homesites and are lost in commerce. Their original names of introduction are not known. Because of their durability we have given them new names in order to reintroduce them. They are time-tested and wonderful garden plants. The size range that we have indicated in the coding is the best kept size for this rose, we feel. All of these roses will outgrow these dimensions if left unpruned. We recommend a light shearing (no more than one third the overall size of the plant) to shape the rose to a size appropriate to its use in the garden. For instance, 'Old Blush' planted in front of a five foot porch would be sheared to less than five feet so that
2104 Maggie 4 to 7 feet. Z6-11 R/Fr/mr Fnd
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