2019 Catalog
PEACHES PRUNUS The standard varieties of peaches grown in other states are not hardy in Wisconsin. We grow and recommend the following variety of peach as being hardier and worth trying. 'McKAY' An excellent peach that we have found to be hardier than any other peach we have tried. Large, firm, of very good quality and freestone. The peach came to our attention as a chance seedling on a farm near our nurseries. Self-fruitful. Try them in a grow bag! 20-25 ft. Zones 5-8 MAY PEARS PYRUS A gorgeous, shiny-leaved, stately tree – and fruit, too! Plant on an east slope away from the setting winter sun and where cold air does not accumulate. Plant two different varieties of pears to ensure pollination. 'BARTLETT' (semi-dwarf only) Large, juicy fruits with rich flavor. Bears young and abundantly. Fruit ripens late September. 20-28' Zones 5-8 MAY 'PARKER' PEAR (semi-dwarf only) An excellent fruiting Pear from the University of Minnesota (1934). A very productive, upright grower. Large yellow fruit have a red blush and are tender and juicy. Use to pollinate Luscious and Summercrisp. 15-20' Zones 4-8 MAY 'SUMMERCRISP' PEAR (semi-dwarf only) The hardiest pear from the University of MN (introduced in 1985). Early May blooming, fireblight resistant plant with fruit ripening in mid-August. The fruit should be harvested when green with a red blush, and still very firm. Can be stored up to 2 months. 15-20' Zones 4-8 MAY PLUMS PRUNUS Plums are easy to grow. They require a location with good air movement and full sun. They need very little special care to grow and produce their very welcome fruit. Plums do require cross pollination, so two or more varieties should be planted. Prunus americana can be used to pollinate. 'MOUNT ROYAL' A Prune-Plum from Canada, this freestone fruit is a beautiful blue color and of good quality. It is good for preserves and jam. Self-fruitful. Ripens mid-August. 8-12' Zones 4-8 MAY 'STANLEY' Medium sized, dark blue fruit has yellow-green, firm, sweet flesh that is good for fresh eating, baking, canning, jelly and drying. Blooms in May. *SEMIFREESTONE. 8-12' Zones 5-8 MAY 'SUPERIOR' We think this is the best plum developed by the Minnesota Experimental Station. Fruit is large with dark red skin. Flesh is yellow, firm, meaty and of the finest quality. Clingstone. Ripens over a long period of time. It has also shown itself to be a good pollinator for several other varieties. Great for eating fresh or for jam. 15-20' Zones 4-8 MAY
'TOKA' A cross between the American Plum and the fragrant Apricot of China. The fruit is medium-sized, apricot in color. An excellent pollinator for other varieties. 15-20' Zones 3-8 MAY
Apple varieties grafted on a semi-dwarf rootstock (malling 7A) produces a tree about 60% the size of standard apple trees. Delicious, Semi-dwarf trees reduce the size of the tree (12-15'), not the fruit. Two varieties needed to pollinate apple trees. Store apples very cold for best quality. 'CORTLAND' A mid-season bloomer that ripens in late September. An older selection with white flesh and red skin. Excellent for cooking and eating. 12-15' Zones 4-7 MID-LATE SEASON 'GOLDEN DELICIOUS' A mid to late season apple that ripens in mid-October. Round, golden yellow fruit is juicy and crisp. A good apple for eating and cooking. 12-15' Zones 5-8 MID-LATE SEASON 'HONEYCRISP' For commercial or home orchard use. Explosive crispness, outstanding flavor, and a storage life of up to seven months. When growing, remove the leader and train the more horizontal branches to increase sunlight and air circulation to benefit the best fruit production. 12-15' Zones 4-7 MID SEASON 'JONATHAN' Medium to large, bright red fruit has crisp, white flesh that is tinged yellow. Good for fresh eating and cooking. Stores well. 12-15' Zones 5-8 MID SEASON 'McINTOSH' An older selection that is almost completely red with white flesh. These apples make the best pies and are good for eating fresh. (Ripens late September) 12-15' Zones 4-7 MID SEASON 'RED DELICIOUS' A red, or nearly all red apple with crisp yellow flesh. Excellent for eating and great in salads! Stores well. (Ripens mid October) 12-15' Zones 5-8 LATE SEASON ZESTAR!® (M. 'Minnewoshta') A 1998 University of MN cross best known for its sweet, tart flavor. An early apple that is very crisp and juicy and stores better than any other early apple. Ripens in late August in our area. Excellent for eating fresh and for cooking. The tree is not as vigorous as others, and bears annually. 12-15' Zones 4-7 EARLY SEASON
'MONTMORENCY' A cherry crossed with Prunus tomentosa. Tree is a heavy bearer. Fruit very large, fine flavor, shining red; finest sour cherry. Fruit ripens later in June. Self-fruitful. Try them in a grow bag! 12-16' Zones 5-9 MAY 'NORTH STAR' Large fruit of excellent quality, juicy and great for pies. The tree is a genetic dwarf. Blooms mid-May, fruits ripen late June. Self fruitful. Try them in a grow bag! 8-10' Zones 4-8 MAY
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