2019 Catalog
MAPLE ACER CLUMP/MULTI STEM FORM MAPLES A. ginnala ‘Compactum’ COMPACT AMUR MAPLE Dense compact growth. Fall color ranges from orange to red. Foliage more delicate than the larger Flame Amur Maple. Makes an excellent hedge or individual specimen shrub. Creamy white flowers are fragrant but inconspicuous. 6-10' Zones 3-8 A. ginnala ‘Flame’ FLAME GINNALA AMUR MAPLE
S. x prestoniae 'Minuet' MINUET LILAC
An introduction from Canada. Small, dense compact lilac. Flower buds are purple opening to a soft pale lavender. Leaves are large and dark green with a very neat appearance. Grows very slowly, non-suckering. 6-8' Zones 2-7 JUN S. x prestoniae 'Miss Canada' MISS CANADA LILAC
Bloomerang® Lilac changed the face of Lilacs. A lilac that would re-bloom throughout the summer was unheard of in the past. Now Bloomerang® Dark Purple extends the range of Lilacs even further with larger size and flowers while still providing those continuous, fragrant burgundy flowers everyone loves. You can keep this plant smaller by renewal pruning. Full sun and well-drained soils are best for all Lilacs. 4-6' Zones 3-7 JUN-FROST S. patula 'Miss Kim' MISS KIM LILAC
Brightest pink of late flowering lilacs. Excellent dark- green foliage. Blooms in mid-June. Vigorous non- suckering shrub. 6-9' Zones 2-7 JUN S. x prestoniae 'Royalty' ROYALTY LILAC
Selected for its flame-red autumn leaf color. A very hardy and tough small tree with dense foliage. The seed turns bright red in summer while the leaves are still green. In autumn the scarlet leaves are as brilliant as any of the Maples. A good plant for specimen or screening. 15-20' Zones 3-8 A. palmatum 'Bloodgood' BLOODGOOD JAPANESE MAPLE
Slightly larger in size than Palibin. Has larger leaves and the habit is more oval than mounded. Large lavender flower trusses fade to a pale pink. Blooms later than hybrid French lilacs. 6-8' Zones 3-7 MAY S. meyeri 'Palibin' PALIBIN LILAC Dwarf Korean
Deep green, handsome foliage is thick and leathery. Dark purple buds open to a lilac color about 2 to 3 weeks after Common Lilacs. A beautiful non-suckering shrub. 8-10' Zones 2-7 JUN DWARF LILACS S. x 'Penda' BLOOMERANG® PURPLE LILAC
The Bloodgood Japanese Maple tree is known and respected by experienced gardeners for its stunning purple/red foliage color, which turns to a attractive rich scarlet red in fall. It can be used as a small lawn tree for patios and entryways. This by far is known to be the hardiest of all the Japanese maple trees, with a strong tolerance to sun. Expected growth rate is slow. 15-20' Zones 5-8 A. tataricum ‘Gar Ann’ HOT WINGS MAPLE 'Hot Wings' is a great new selection of Tatarian Maple. The seeds (samaras) will last much of the summer and will have very ornamental hot, red wings. This is a tough small tree that only grows to about 20 ft tall and wide. Fall color is a nice mix of yellows and reds. Deserves wider use and will have it soon! 20' Zone 4-7
Densely branched Dwarf Korean Lilac available in shrub-form or tree-form. Blooms with fragrant, lilac- purple flowers in compact trusses. Glossy foliage. Excellent for dwarf hedge (shrub) or used as a specimen (shrub or tree-form). Blooms later than hybrid French lilacs. Spectacular fragrance! 5-7' Zones 3-7 MAY
Bloomerang® Purple Lilac flowers are lavender and fragrant, but the surprise comes from recurrent bloom until frost. A compact, mounded plant growing 4-5' tall and spreading to about 6'. You can keep this plant smaller by renewal pruning. Full sun and well-drained soils are best for all Lilacs. Also available in tree form. 4-6' Zones 3-7 JUN-FROST
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