2019 Burrell Seed Catalog
KALE Kale is an excellent cool season crop and can be planted early spring or late summer in long season areas. Fall plantings fare better with pests in warm climates. Plant kale seeds directly into the garden 1/4” to 1/2” deep, 12” apart in rows 2’ to 3’ wide and keep moist while growing. While kale can
out. Kale prefers a loamy, well drained soil and will tolerate light shade.
Red Russian. . . . . . . . . . . . . .32E 50 - 60 Days | Frilled leaves with red veining and oak leaf margins. Good Free Ship - Pkt. $2.40 | 1 oz $5.90 | 1/4 lb $9.70 | 1/2 lb $12.10 Plus Shipping - 1 lb $13.90 | 5 lb $12.70/lb Vates Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31E 60 Days |
known as Dwarf Blue Scotch. More pest resistant in our test garden than Red Russian. Free Ship - Pkt. $2.40 | 1 oz $5.60 | 1/4 lb $8.10 | 1/2 lb $9.60 Plus Shipping - 1 lb $9.30 | 5 lb $8.50/lb. KOHLRABI
Plant kohlrabi seeds 1/4” to 1/2” deep in rows 10” to 12” apart. When seedlings are about 4” tall, thin to 5” apart. Keep evenly moist and well weeded. Mulching helps with both. Pick young for fresh use, about 2”, allow to mature for cooking. Kohlrabi can be blanched, frozen and used in soups or stews later. Early White Vienna . . . . . . . . . .50E 55 Days | than turnips. Edible bulb grows above the ground. Free Ship - Pkt. $2.40 | 1 oz $5.80 | 1/4 lb $9.00 | 1/2 lb $11.10 Plus Shipping - 1 lb $12.00 | 5 lb $11.00/lb | 10 lb $10.60/lb . When cooked has more delicate avor
Purple Vienna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52E 55- 69 Days | later than Early White Vienna. Free Ship - Pkt. $2.40 | 1 oz $5.80 | 1/4 lb $9.00 | 1/2 lb $11.10 Plus Shipping - 1 lb $12.00 | 5 lb $11.00/lb | 10 lb $10.60/lb LEEKS
Start leek seeds indoors, 8 to 10 weeks before the last expected spring frost.
outside while the weather is still on the cool side, 60º to 65º. To direct seed, sow leek seeds about 4 weeks before average last frost ½ inch deep, 1 inch
steady supply of nitrogen, plenty of water and full sun. Large American Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99N Free Ship - Pkt. $2.40 | 1 oz $7.30 | 1/4 lb $15.90 | 1/2 lb $22.10 Plus Shipping - 1 lb $32.00 | 5 lb $29.40/lb
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