2019-2020 Purchasing Guide Volume 3
Avery. Your best solution for GHS Labeling.
$V D ZRUOG OHDGHU LQ ODEHO SURGXFWV $YHU\ KDV GHVLJQHG D OLQH RI ODEHOV VSHFLÀFDOO\ for GHS labeling applications, where high durability and adhesive performance is critical. With strong marine-grade adhesive, UltraDuty™ GHS Chemical Labels pass the BS5609 protocol for 90-day seawater immersion. Labels are also available in a variety of sizes to identify hazardous chemical in containers, and are ideal for use DV 26+$ VDIHW\ VLJQV DUF ÁDVK WDQN PDULQH DQG RXWGRRU ZRUN ODEHOV )5(( $YHU\ Design & Print GHS Wizard makes it easy to create and print labels on demand. Avery ® UltraDuty™ GHS Chemical Labels
©2017 Avery Products Corporation. All rights reserved. Avery and all other Avery brands, product names and codes are trademarks of $YHU\ 3URGXFWV &RUSRUDWLRQ 3HUVRQDO DQG FRPSDQ\ QDPHV DQG RWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ GHSLFWHG RQ VDPSOHV DUH ÀFWLWLRXV $Q\ UHVHPEODQFH to actual names and addresses is purely coincidental.
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