2018 Group Tours
Dear Esteemed Group Leader,
Welcome to a brand new 2018! 2017 was one of the best years for group travel.There were so many new tour attractions that had opened and BOB MANN TOURS was more than happy to bring our groups to these wonderful sites. Our #1 tour for this past year was the new NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE AND CULTURE INWASHINGTON DC. Our 500 groups (over 25,000 people) that we brought there were totally amazed by the awesome exhibits. Some leaders decided they needed to go back again to this museum as there was so much to see and they quickly booked a second trip for 2018. The top two GREAT tours for 2018 will be the NEW MUSEUM OF THE BIBLE in Washington DC and the show JESUS at SIGHT & SOUND. Both are prominently displayed in great detail in this years catalog. Space is limited and as usual BOB MANN TOURS has secured prime space and times at both venues. What we have noticed is that many more groups are going on longer trips. It was not uncommon this past year for BOB MANN TOURS to have done many trips to The Ark Encounter (see page 19) in Kentucky and our special tour down south of our 7 day CIVIL RIGHTS TOUR to BIRMINGHAM, MONTGOMERY and SELMA.
This year’s catalog is unique in that our staff reviewed over 1500 past tours from this year and analyzed over 250 trade magazines – all in order to bring you the best destinations with the most value at the least expensive rates.
Even though we are living in a high tech society here at BOB MANN TOURS we still believe in old fashioned customer service.When you call during working hours – a human being will answer the call and not make you push numerous buttons only to be disconnected! BOB MANN TOURS continues to be your FULL SERVICE PROFESSIONAL TOUR COMPANY and staffed with solid people who can make your trip a success.With one call, all your tour needs are taken care of.As certified members of the top three tour associations for the past 25 years, your tour is backed up to meet certain standards which we take seriously.
For 2018, we continue to offer special travel insurance in case members of your group fall ill before or during your trip. Please call us for further details.
We look forward in working with you as your group plans your next tour for 2018 and beyond.
Yours in travel,
“Family owned and proudly serving our adult, youth and senior groups since 1985”
website: www.bobmanntours.com email: info@bobmanntours.com
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