2018 Financial and Fraternal Report

President’s Message

I am pleased to share with you the 2018 Financial and Fraternal Report.

Over our 150-year history, sound financial stewardship inspired by our faith has guided our decisions. We make promises to our members – to be there when you need us most – which requires prudent, fiscally conservative financial management. And, recognizing all that we have is a gift from God, we follow Christ’s commandment to love one another!

2018 was a year of exceptional financial growth and outreach including:

• Incr as d n t incom 19 p rc nt to $14.3 mi ion r s tin in ov r $99 mi ion in s rp s, th ar st in o r histor . • Rais d, match d and donat d n ar $1.7 mi ion to benefit parishes, schools and local charities. • Award d mor than $283,000 in d cationa scholarships and sponsored nearly 2,600 member activities. Our mission … Serving God through serving others, providing financial security, and enhancing quality of life … has never been more relevant nor more needed. For it is through the combination of stewardship and faith, working with members and through members, that we impact tens of thousands of lives. Thank you for your continued membership and for being part of something greater than yourself. May God continue to bless you and those we serve for generations to come.

2018 was a year of exceptional financial growth and outreach…


William R. O’Toole President & CEO



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