2018 Endodontic Products
EDTA - 17% Solution Specifically engineered with LOWER pH for optimal performance! For best outcomes, a LOWER pH is more important than concentration
As pH increases, the availability of calcium ions from hydroxyapitite for chelation decreases. A pilot study using concentrations of alkaline (pH 11.3) solutions of EDTA showed them to be less effective in removing the smear layer.
Vista’s EDTA: • Prepares dentin walls for better ADHESION of filling materials • Opens dentin tubules • Removes smear layer and dentin mud • Enhances cleansing The optimal pH for EDTA solutions should be between 7.5 - 9.
save UP TO 3% Compare to Ultradent®* Product
30mL Bulk syringe
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EDTA 18% IndiSpense®* Syringe
16oz. (480mL) bottle
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4oz. (120mL) bottle
$17.25 $23.60
[317001] [317002]
Unit Dose
(20) 0.6mL individually packaged prefilled syringes, (20) 27ga side-vent irrigating tips
Demineralizing effects of EDTA at different concentrations and pH.
Studies show: Lower pH is CRITICAL to performance*
The purpose of this study was to compare effects of concentration and pH variations of EDTA on dentin demineralization. Twenty extracted, human permanent teeth with single canals were used in this study. Demineralizing effects of EDTA solutions at 10% and 17% concentrations at pH 7.5 and 9.0 were determined by measuring the amount of liberated phosphorus 1, 3, 5, 10, and 15 min after exposure. Results showed that the amount of phosphorus liberated from dentin was greater with increased EDTA concentration and increased time of exposure, and was more effective at neutral pH than pH 9.0. The pH of EDTA solutions did not display any significant alterations during the demineralization process. J Endod. 2009 Jan;35(1):95-7. Epub 2008 Nov 7. Williamson AE, Cardon JW, Drake DR. Department of Endodontics, University of Iowa College of Dentistry, Iowa City, Iowa, USA. anne-williamson@uiowa.edu
50 years of research shows that pHmatters!
Ultradent ®* Product
Compare : pH Level:
pH Measurements: Using Fischer Scientific AR 20 model, Electrode standardized using pH Standard solutions 10 and 4
A scanning electron microscope evaluation of four root canal irrigation regimens. A scanning electron microscope was used to evaluate the debridement capabilities of four irrigation regimens on both instrumented and uninstrumented root canal surfaces. The combination of NaOCI and EDTA used alternately completely removed the smear layer from the instrumented root canal surfaces as well as the pulpal remnants and predentin from the uninstrumented surfaces. In addition, the combination of NaOCI and EDTA caused the exposed calcospherites on the uninstrumented surfaces to have an eroded appearance. J Endod. 1987 Apr;13(4):147-57. Baumgartner JC, Mader CL.
*Study data: Nikiforuk G, Sreenby L. Demineralization of hard tissues by organic chelating agents. Science 1951; 114:560
Cury JA, Bragotto C, Valdrighi L. The demineralizing efficiency of EDTA solutions on dentin. I. Influence of pH. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1981Oct; 52(4): 446-8 O’Connell MS, Morgan LA, Beeler WJ, Baumgartner JC. A comparative study of smear layer removal using different salts of EDTA. J Endod. 2000 Dec; 26(12): 739-43 Serper A, Calt S. The demineralizing effects of EDTA at different concentrations and pH. J Endod. 2002 Jul; 28(7):501-2 Obst JJ. Chelation and dentistry: conceptual orientation. NY J Dent 1962; 30:331-5
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