2018 Crest Healthcare Catalog

Nurse Call

DuraCall™, DuraColor™, DuraGlo™ & DuraLight™ Momentary Call Cords |

TekTone® 8-pin DIN plug

West-Call® RJ50 10-pin plug

Nurse Call

4 - 84

Part No. 9916W-7 † 9916W-10 †


Price 21.95 23.95

Part No. 9948W-7 †


Price 21.95

DuraCall, white, single, 7' DuraCall, white, single, 10'

DuraCall, white, single, 7'

Simplex® TekTone® Wescom® RJ45 8-pin plug

TVs & Accessories

85 - 104

Looking for specific features for your call cords? See our call cord selection guide on page 25 to help you find the right call cord for your needs fast!

9910W-7 † 9910W-10 † 9910DW-7 †

13.95 15.95 23.95

DuraCall, white, single, 7' DuraCall, white, single, 10' DuraCall, white, double, 7'

Fall Management

105 - 118

Crest DuraColor™ Call Cords Crest’s neon green pendant in the DuraCall Call Cord line is the latest option for nurse call visibility and ease of use. Bright and vibrant, the pendant is ideal for those with poor eyesight or for those who may have difficulty distinguishing it from bedding.

Mobility & Transfer

Stands out against linens, ideal for residents with visual impairment.

119 - 152

High contrast neon color for easy identification

¼" Phone Plug 2-conductor plug

Prominent color assists patients & staff White cable FDA Listed

Beds & Room Supply

Part No. 9900N-7 † 9900N-10 †


Price 15.95 17.95

DuraColor, single, 7' DuraColor, single, 10'

153 - 192

Crest DuraGlo™ Call Cords DuraGlo is the only call cord in the industry with glowing bands to help your residents locate their call cord in dark rooms! DuraGlo can glow up to four hours in total darkness. Built on the same solid platform as our popular DuraCall call cords. Works with any nurse call system.

Assistive Devices

193 - 208

Helps to locate your call cord faster in dark conditions.

Easily locate in dark rooms Recharges with light exposure Requires no power or batteries FDA Listed

¼" Phone Plug 2-conductor plug

Clinical Care

209 - 230

Part No. 9900L-7 † 9900L-10 †


Price 14.95 16.95

DuraGlo, white, single, 7' DuraGlo, white, single, 10'

Carts & Storage

Crest DuraLight™ Call Cords DuraLight Call Cords for ¼" phone plug systems have LEDs that momentarily light up when the button is depressed (may not work with every system).The Rauland 9-pin DIN style LEDs lights up only when call button is pressed and stays lit until the call is canceled.

231 - 239

Security & Maintenance

Bright red LEDs light up the pendant Requires no batteries

Helps indicate call cord connection or placement.

240 - 269

FDA Listed

¼" Phone Plug 2-conductor plug

Rauland® 9-pin DIN plug

Repairs & Services

270 - 272

Part No. 9949W-7 † 9949W-10 †


Price 21.95 23.95

Part No. 9900R-7 † 9900R-10 †


Price 14.95 16.95

DuraLight, white, single, 7' DuraLight, white, single, 10'

DuraLight, white, single, 7' DuraLight, white, single, 10'

† Item is FDA listed.


online: www.cresthealthcare.com | 2018 | R20

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